Unicron.com: Transformers Collector Site

Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site

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  • 2025-03-02 7:33 pm by Unicron.com
    Constructicons 4/6 Display @hasbro #ToyFair2025

    While this is not a new reveal, it was my first time seeing the toys in person and as is often the case, first hand viewing makes an impression!

    Of course, I loved the Combiner Wars set, but this time around, the design team really dialed it in to get more of the details right. For one thing, they’re all better proportioned and to scale with one another. This is particularly noteworthy on Long Haul, whose torso in robot mode doesn’t need to be so chunky to support the weight of the entire combined Devastator form. The trade-off, of course is that there’s an extra caboose he can use as a trailer which houses the necessary girth to give Devastator his sturdy frame. Look, if the original G1 toy can have components that magically appeared out of thin air, than so too can this modern version. I’m cool with that!

    Guys like Scrapper now have all the necessary elbow joints. They also each come with their weapons so no need for aftermarket add-on kits this time around….

    They look good in photos, even better in person. Can’t wait to have them in-hand because they’ll be spectacular on a shelf full of other Decepticons with modern upgrades!
  • 2025-03-02 6:50 pm by Unicron.com
    Grey model prototype of #StudioSeries ‘86 DEVASTATOR is a thing of beauty!

    #Transformers on display at #toyfair2025
  • 2025-03-02 6:46 pm by Unicron.com
    #StudioSeries Dark of the Moon Que/Wheeljack #Transformers display @hasbro #ToyFair2025

    Sculpt looks nice, but wow I think the grey plastic could use a paintwash, or some kind of deco effect to help translate the plastic into looking like Bay-verse dirty metal? Maybe a good case for customizers?!
  • 2025-03-02 2:49 pm by Unicron.com
    Star (Convoy) Optimus Prime is The Thirteenth Prime #Transformers on display @Hasbro #ToyFair2025

    Gotta admit, making it official canon that Star Convoy a fairly obscure (1991 Return of Convoy) Japanese exclusive, but highly coveted among old school collectors, now the Thirteenth Prime is an absolute genius move win. I wanted this toy before - now I doubly want it!

    This (Titan Class) figure is a beast! Towering over others in the series, he has dynamic pose-ability, near perfect homage to the original figure and a worthy iteration of this classic character. Bravo @hasbro
  • 2025-03-02 12:38 pm by Unicron.com
    Air Raid #Transformers #AgeOfThePrimes Deluxe
    “Right, okay. Well, enjoy your vacation!”

    I don’t remember Air Raid playing a big of a role in old TV series. Well, besides gently razzing Sky Dive and Slingshot that time when they opted to hide out in an airline hangar to catch a car parts thief!

    Nonetheless, he’s an essential member of the Aerialbots team. Tell you what, in jet mode, bot or as a limb for Superion - he looks damn good doin’ his thing!
  • 2025-03-02 10:20 am by Unicron.com
    #Transformers #AgeOfThePrimes Deluxe SLINGSHOT

    He was always the @$$hole of the team, but he did seem to get better and learn some lessons over time! … All the same, I’m glad we’re getting him right off the bat, and not Alpha Bravo! (Though I’d happily take one of him later too! ;)

    He looks great in person, solid, pose-able and show accurate. A must have for me.

    I do rather hope that @hasbro does a premium deco, gift-set of the whole team when the team is complete. That particular giftset holds a special place in my nostalgic heart!
  • 2025-03-02 9:25 am by Unicron.com
    #Transformers #AgeOfThePrimes Commander Class SILVERBOLT

    While this wasn’t a new reveal @ToyFair2025 per se, I was d@mm happy to get my first look at this gorgeous figure in person while there. He looks absolutely fantastic - cartoon accurate sculpt, pose-ability, perfectly to scale with the other members of his Aerialbots team and best of all the combined Superion mode is without compromise, near-perfect! Sturdy, pose-able and spot-on to the original series animation.

    The only ‘compromise’ to the design and engineering mechanics is that extra “trailer” segment. It transforms into a passable back-half of the super jet mode, and triple changes into a base station mode: this is cool homage to the original G1 Silverbolt figure which also had a seldom utilized ramp/ “base mode.” Of course the best feature is that it forms a sturdy, solid and show-accurate frame work for Superion.

    Thank you @hasbro! Look forward to getting my hands on these and seeing the final 2 team members Fireflight and Skydive!
  • 2025-03-02 9:17 am by Unicron.com
    #Transformers #AgeOfThePrimes Commander Class SILVERBOLT

    While this wasn’t a new reveal @ToyFair2025 per se, I was d@mm happy to get my first look at this gorgeous figure in person while there. He looks absolutely fantastic - cartoon accurate sculpt, pose-ability, perfectly to scale with the other members of his Aerialbots team and best of all the combined Superion mode is without compromise, near-perfect! Sturdy, pose-able and spot-on to the original series animation.

    The only ‘compromise’ to the design and engineering mechanics is that extra “trailer” segment. It transforms into a passable back-half of the super jet mode, and triple changes into a base station mode: this is cool homage to the original G1 Silverbolt figure which also had a seldom utilized ramp/ “base mode.” Of course the best feature is that it forms a sturdy, solid and show-accurate frame work for Superion.

    Thank you @hasbro! Look forward to getting my hands on these and seeing the final 2 team members Fireflight and Skydive!
  • 2025-03-02 1:20 am by Unicron.com
    #AgrOfThePrimes Megatronus! @hasbro #toyfair2025

    excited to see this glorious figure in person. Equally happy that it won’t be too much longer before this thing’s available in stores. Can’t wait!
  • 2025-03-02 12:32 am by Unicron.com
    #Transformers #StudioSeries #TransformersOne Voyager SENTINEL PRIME on display @Hasbro #ToyFair2025

    As much as I enjoyed this film (a LOT!) I’m happy to see this character get a much deserved, updated and upscaled version than the previous main line toy we have. Now, how about some of the same love for the much beloved Airachnid?! This one looks fantastic, Dear Transformers team: More please????
  • 2025-03-01 11:59 pm by Unicron.com
    #Transformers X #HotWheels Crossoveer Collab

    Fun to see these figures for the first time in person @hasbro #ToyFair2025. Pretty cool how even the robot modes feel like the robotic embodiment of an old matchbox car from my youth.
  • 2025-03-01 11:11 pm by Unicron.com
    #AgeOfThePrimes VORTEX reveal @hasbro #ToyFair2025

    In & of the toy itself, which looks AMAZING BTW, what’s really kickbutt about this reveal is that it provides official, visual confirmation that it’s just a matter of time before we’ll get further reveals for the rest of his Combaticons team: Swindle, Brawl, Blast Off & presumably Commander Class Onslaught!

    This toy looks super promising. Exactly what we all wanted the Combiner Wars toy to be. Keep’m coming Hasbro! 🙏👊
  • 2025-03-01 10:36 pm by Unicron.com
    Other rando #Transformers stuff that looked cool @hasbro #toyfair2025
  • 2025-03-01 10:17 pm by Unicron.com
    ALCHEMIST PRIME - reveal at #ToyFair2025 @hasbro @markclonus

    Newly revealed figure looks fantastic and great to finally be getting an @hasbro (transforming) figure of the character! It’s already official canon that Maccadam of the Old Oil House is really Alchemist in disguise … and thus I still say his sacred relic is a cocktail shaker! One of the original 13 - this is another must have for this collector!
  • 2025-03-01 9:47 pm by Unicron.com
    I think that the sacred relic of Alchemist Prime’s is a Cybertronian cocktail shaker! (A little rusty on my ancient Cybertronian, but I’m pretty sure that’s what it says!) …
    #maccadamsoldoilhouse #Transformers #toyfair2025

    @markclonus could neither confirm nor deny!
  • 2025-03-01 9:09 pm by Unicron.com
    ONYX PRIME - Lord of the Beasts Reveal at #ToyFair2025

    #Transformers Product Designer extraordinaire @Hasbro, Mark Maher tells us the story of this Leader Class triple changer complete w/ robot, centaur & full on beast mode! He looks BIG, solid and pose-able. Really looking forward to this after seeing it in person.
  • 2025-03-01 8:36 pm by Unicron.com
    ONYX PRIME: Lord of the Beasts!

    #Transformers Product Designer extraordinaire @hasbro , @markclonus tells us the story behind this Leader Class triple changer, complete w/ robot, centaur & full on beast mode! He looks BIG, solid and pose-able. Dang! Really looking forward to this after seeing it in person.
  • 2025-03-01 5:25 pm by Unicron.com
    Liokaiser reel now with @naveskoorb highlights alt modes and scale!

  • 2025-03-01 1:10 pm by Unicron.com
    #Cyberworld Revealed

    Now don’t all of you older #Transformers collectors get your undies in a bundle. This one’s for the kids! More info surely to come at #ToyFair2025. Thanks to Hasbro for passing along the info…

    TRANSFORMERS Becomes Even More - More Than Meets the Eye - with CYBERWORLD
    Welcome to CYBERWORLD, a brand-new segment in the TRANSFORMERS universe. In CYBERWORLD, there are no limits on the stories kids can tell. They can choose the team ups, the battles, and the TRANSFORMERS stories they want to create as they play. That theme powers the CYBERWORLD kids toy line; created for cross-compatibility, fast action, and easy conversion at every scale. CYBERWORLD will also boast some deeper storytelling—with an original YouTube series, featuring 36 short form CG-animated episodes, launching later this year.

    CYBERWORLD is an exciting new digital series featuring Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Megatron, Elita-1 and other fan-favorite bots as they dive into a never-before-seen world of danger and intrigue. On CYBERWORLD nothing is certain, as they face off with friend and foe alike in a slew of video game-inspired challenges that push them into unexpected team ups in order to survive. Through these intense and comedic adventures, we will get to see fresh, yet familiar, versions of our iconic and beloved characters.
  • 2020-02-06 5:58 pm by Sabrblade
    It's official. Transformers and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic are having their first full-blown crossover in IDW's new graphic novel Transformers/My Little Pony: Friendship in Disguise! Written by Ian Flynn and James Asmus, illustrated by Tony Fleecs and Jack Lawrence, and set for release on November 3, 2020, Equestria Daily reports the following description this 96-page graphic novel:

    Ponies, Autobots, and Decepticons mix it up in this graphic novel mashup!

    When Queen Chrysalis casts a spell looking for more changelings, she accidentally interferes with a malfunctioning Spacebridge! What's this mean for our favorite fillies? There are suddenly a bunch of Autobots and Decepticons in Equestria! And as the dust settles, Rarity and Arcee find themselves teaming up against a hostile Decepticon force.

    Plus Spike and Grimlock; Pinkie Pie, Gauge, and Shockwave; Fluttershy, Discord, and Soundwave; Rainbow Dash and Windblade; and Optimus Prime and Twilight Sparkle all team up for more adventures.

  • 2020-02-05 2:54 am by Sabrblade
    Hot off the heels of the announcement of BotCon's returning in 2021 under the new management of BC Productions (an all new company run by such BotCon veterans as Karl Hartman, Andrew Hall, Mike Tinnel, and more, created for the specific purpose of acquiring the rights to BotCon from Fun Publications) comes a few updates regarding this year's RoboCon, which has been carrying BotCon's torch in the meantime.

    Namely, RoboCon 2020 will be held on June 5-6 at the Galt House in Louisville, KY, the very same hotel that played host to the last official BotCon in 2016. Registration has also gone live, with two registration packages available this year. The standard registration package for this year is a remarkably affordable $25.00! The second option, meanwhile, is a special "BotCon 2021 Pre-Party Exclusive Pack" that features access to a special Friday night party celebrating the next year's return of BotCon, an exclusive BotCon convention T-shirt featuring a "Neo-Classic" BotCon logo, a special vintage BotCon logo themed lanyard, and best of all, a 144-page Ultimate BotCon Product Guide Volume 1 w/ Exclusive convention cover, limited to 300 pieces. That one is priced at $98.00 (more than previous RoboCons but far less than any Fun Pub BotCons ever were).
  • 2020-02-03 5:56 pm by Sabrblade
    For the past few days, suspicious activity has been going on at the late BotCon.com with the site undergoing some sort of reconstruction. Now, the site has been relaunched with a new makeover and the announcement that BotCon, the once official Transformers convention, is coming back under the new management of BC Productions, for the Summer of 2021!

    This news comes formally from Karl Hartman, one of the original organizers of the con who helped in its creation back in 1994 and continued to help run it from 1996 to 2002. Allspark.com has posted the full announcement from Hartman, which can be read below:
  • 2019-09-19 10:30 pm by Sabrblade
    On August 17, 2019, UK fan convention TFNation played host to a most momentous occasion in which Transformers Animated story editor Marty Isenberg presented a scripted performance of the original story treatment outline for what would have been the three-part season 4 premiere of Transformers Animated had it been greenlit for a fourth season.

    Titled "Trial of Megatron" (as opposed to The AllSpark Almanac II, The Complete AllSpark Almanac, and Issue #71 of the TCC Magazine titling it "The Trial of Megatron"), the outline for this three-parter was presented not as a live script reading done in the style of those performed at BotCons of years past, but was instead presented with pre-recorded dialogue acted by almost the entire Animated voice cast (only Tara Strong and Judd Nelson were absent, with their respective roles of Sari Sumdac and Rodimus Prime performed by other people) and set to all new original artwork created for the story by fan artists.
  • 2019-09-08 5:24 pm by Sabrblade
    Mere days after the previous news of the sudden passing of voice actor Michael Lindsay comes the unfortunate news of voice actor Robert Axelrod having passed away yesterday, September 7, 2019, at the age of 70. This news comes to us from Facebook of Mobile Monicker Productions, who represented Axelrod for his many convention appearances. Axelrod is best known for having provided the voices of Lord Zedd, Finster, and other monsters on Power Rangers, as well as several English dub anime voice roles, such as Wizardmon, Vademon, Armadillomon, Ankylomon, and Shakkoumon (w/ Dave Mallow) on Digimon, and Rico on Robotech. He also voiced Marvel Comics character Microchip in the Punisher episodes of Spider-Man: The Animated Series, and appeared in live action on an episode of Family Matters where he played a Paul McCartney lookalike.

    For Transformers, he was the voice of Movor in the 2001 Transformers: Robots in Disguise cartoon. One of the Decepticon Commandos, Movor was the space shuttle member who could form an arm or leg for the combiner Ruination. He was also one of the very few Commandos to star in his own spotlight episode, "Attack from Outer Space", which had the misfortune of being one of the three episodes that was banned from ever airing on TV in the United States due to sensitivities from the September 11 attacks in 2001.

    Rest in peace, Mr. Axelrod. Your performances were a treasure to behold.
  • 2019-09-06 2:58 am by Sabrblade
    It is with deep sadness that we must report that, on August 31, 2019, voice actor Michael Lindsay passed away at the age of 56. This news comes to us from the Twitter accounts of Trevor Dylan, Rob Benoit, and Marissa Lenti. Best known for his work in anime dubbing, Lindsay provided the English dub voices for the likes of Joe Kido and Greymon in Digimon Adventure, Rick in DinoZaurs, Kankuro in Naruto, Kisuke Urahara in Bleach, Shinichirō Tamaki in Code Geass, and more.

    For Transformers, he was best known as the voices of Skid-Z ("skids") and Rollbar in the 2001 Transformers: Robots in Disguise cartoon. Skid-Z was an Autobot racer who had an unusually high competitive edge, always needing to win every race he could, so much that he would enter any race of any kind, including car racing, bicycle racing, or even foot racing. Rollbar, meanwhile, was the green jeep member of the Decepticon Commandos, able to form an arm or leg of the combiner Ruination, and had a thick southern drawl and an easygoing demeanor, always cracking wise whenever he felt like it.

    Rest in peace, Mr. Lindsay. You will be missed, dearly.
  • 2019-05-11 4:26 am by Sabrblade
    The year was 1999. For the Western World, it was the year of Beast Wars season 3, the year of Beast Machines season 1, the year of the 15th Anniversary of The Transformers. For Japan, however, it was the year of Beast Wars Neo! The second Japanese-original Beast Wars animated series, Beast Wars Neo sees a small group of Cybertrons (Maximals) led by Big Convoy go on a star trek to hunt for Angolmois Capsules containing an unholy energy source, which is also sought by the Destrons (Predacons) led by Magmatron.

    And now, twenty years later in 2019, anime fansubbing group Karyuudo Fansubs has at last announced their long-awaited release of all 35 episodes of Beast Wars Neo with English fan-subtitles! Below is a copy of their original announcement (To anyone reading this on Facebook, it is recommended that you proceed into the forum to view the message in its proper formatting).
  • 2018-12-06 1:02 am by Sabrblade
    Discovery Family has announced on Twitter that Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy, the long-awaited sequel to the highly-acclaimed 104-episode-long cartoon series Transformers: Rescue Bots, will be having a sneak preview airing this Saturday, December 8, at 9:00am. Various TV listings reveal this sneak peek to be an advanced airing of its first two episodes, titled "Recruits Part I" and "Recruits Part II", to give us a taste of the show ahead of its proper debut in 2019.

    Below is the original announcement and a YouTube copy of its accompanying video.
  • 2018-10-22 8:21 pm by perceptor
    Here's is a list to links of some (though not all) of our news entries shared from New York Comic Con 2018!

    ** Siege Ravage and Laserbeak gallery and discussion from NYCC

    ** Shockwave "space submarine" mode reveal! ;)

    ** Brunt! Siege Decepticon Weaponizer reveal! Remember the tank toy that came with G1 Tripticon - but (back then, didn't have a robot mode?????

    ** Kremzeek! Hidden secrets of the Siege Decepticon diorama!

    ** Stock photos of Siege Decepticons

    ** Studio Series Drift w/ Mini-Dinobots revealed at NYCC

    ** Siege Shockwave - high rez, up close images from the diorama

    ** Siege Soundwave hidden alt mode! and other secrets of the Decepticon Diorama!

    ** Siege Soundwave Reveal at NYCC

    ** Siege Starscream the Tetrajet commander reveal!

    ** Video walkthrough the Decepticon Diaorama - This post was our single best performer among news posts from New York Comic Con, seen by over 120,000 people...

    ** It's over Prime! - WFC: Siege MEGATRON Revealed at NYCC

    ** In conjunction with NYCC, Hasbro has released Production Renders for Upcoming War For Cybertron: SIEGE Deceptions

    ** OMEGA SUPREME Revealed! The Next Titan of War For Cybertron -Siege

    ** War For Cybertron: SIEGE Titan Class figure Teased/Revealed at NY Comic Con; my brother posted this remotely, as he couldn't wait for me to get my post made on location! Internet speed at NYCC was not ideal!

    ** SHOCKWAVE - War For Cybertron: Siege, Leader Class Reveal!

    ** John Warden & Ben Montano Live Panel Presentation via SciFi Wire

    ** Pre show Teaser w/ Studio Series Drift
  • 2018-09-13 3:09 am by Sabrblade
    After the brand unification between Hasbro and TakaraTomy kicked off with Power of the Primes and Studio Series (and will continue with Siege), Takara's Transformers: Legends line continues to persist with another forthcoming TakaraTomy Mall exclusive. This time, however, it is not a recent mold release, but a soon-to-be 20-year-old mold from 1999. Seeming to coincide with the Transformers Encore reissue of the cartoon-accurately-colored Big Convoy, the next LG-EX release will be a redeco of that figure in the form of Blue Big Convoy!

    Much like the Encore release of Unicron (Micron Shūgō-tai Color), this is a recreation of what was once a super rare Lucky Draw figure from 1999. However, also like Unicron (Micron Shūgō-tai Color), it is not a straight recreation, as this version will have less translucent plastic with two opaque arms instead of one solid and one clear.

    More recently, the old Lucky Draw figure was actually repurposed in comics made for e-HOBBY's Magna Convoy exclusive as the leader of a legendary group known as the Primus Vanguard. While it remains to be seen whether this Legends release of Blue Big Convoy will fictionally represent Big Convoy himself in a new form, the Primus Vanguard leader remains another distinct possibility for this toy's character identity.

    Legends LG-EX Blue Big Convoy will be released by TakaraTomy Mall in February 2019.
  • 2018-07-09 2:55 pm by Sabrblade
    The Transformers: Encore line of reissues has been dabbling in some post-G1 figures as of late, beginning with God Fire Convoy from Car Robots and to be continuing with Returns Convoy for Beast Wars Returns (Beast Machines). Now, a third post-G1 Encore toy has been revealed and is the first one to truly be from a completely non-G1 continuity altogether. Its name is Unicron (Micron Aggregate Color).

    A redeco of the Armada Unicron mold, this is not the Chaos Bringer himself, but a green copy of him that was formed by a massive amount of Mini-Cons combining together as one, to fight against their evil creator in the final few episodes of the Transformers: Armada cartoon, hence the "Micron Aggregate Color" label ("Micron" being the Japanese term for "Mini-Con"). Previously, in 2004, a toy of this "Unicron of Light" had been released in limited quantities as a Lucky Draw figure over in Japan, but this Encore release will not only see a much wider release but will also sport a vastly different deco from the Lucky Draw, being almost completely green and turquoise instead of the Lucky Draw being half-teal/half-gray.

    Unicron (Micron Aggregate Color) is set for release in December 2018. Official images can be found below, courtesy of Autobase Aichi.
  • 2018-07-03 3:12 pm by Sabrblade
    Today, the tenth and final episode of Machinima's new Transformers: Power of the Primes online mini-series has aired on Go90 and Tumblr. Titled "Saga's End", the series and entire Prime Wars Trilogy comes to a close as Megatron, Optimal Optimus, Windblade, Perceptor, and Grimlock all aim to stop Megatronus, Unicron, and the Matrix of Chaos once and for all, in a final decisive battle that will determine the fates of Cybertron and the Transformers universe forevermore.
  • 2018-06-28 8:13 pm by Sabrblade
    Earlier this month, from Saturday, June 9th, to Sunday, June 10th, the second annual Pete's Robot Convention, RoboCon 2018, was held at the Cincinnati Marriot at Rivercenter in Covington, KY (just outside of Cincinnati, OH). As a sort of spiritual successor to BotCon, the convention featured a number of events and reveals that hearkened back to those days of old, albeit on a much smaller scale more akin to the earlier years of BotCon in the 90s.

    Yours truly was on site to attend this convention and much of what it had to offer. Below you will find a complete report of many of its events, which can best be viewed in the forum, rather than on Facebook, for the best reading.
  • 2018-06-26 4:50 pm by Sabrblade
    The ninth episode of Machinima's new Transformers: Power of the Primes online mini-series has aired on Go90 and Tumblr. Titled "Megatronus Unleashed", this penultimate episode sees a showdown between Megatronus and Unicron, the latter of whom having fully possessed the body of Rodimus Cron, now upgraded to resemble his Rodimus Unicronus toy. Meanwhile, the others attempt to destroy Megatronus's machine, on which the Matrix of Leadership reaches out to Optimus Primal...
  • 2018-06-20 3:50 am by Sabrblade
    The eighth episode of Machinima's new Transformers: Power of the Primes online mini-series has aired on Go90 and Tumblr. Titled "Collision Course", Megatronus has finally acquired all three relics that he needs to complete his objective in resurrecting Solus Prime, draining the sparks of every Transformer in the universe to do so. Megatron and his team, however, storm the Well of Sparks for a showdown with the mad, ancient Prime.
  • 2018-06-20 3:50 am by Sabrblade
    The eighth episode of Machinima's new Transformers: Power of the Primes online mini-series has aired on Go90 and Tumblr. Titled "Collision Course", Megatronus has finally acquired all three relics that he needs to complete his objective in resurrecting Solus Prime, draining the sparks of every Transformer in the universe to do so. Megatron and his team, however, storm the Well of Sparks for a showdown with the mad, ancient Prime.
  • 2018-06-12 8:53 pm by Sabrblade
    Today, the seventh episode of Machinima's new Transformers: Power of the Primes online mini-series has aired on Go90 and Tumblr. Titled "Consequences", the aftermath of Megatron's using the Requiem Blaster on Overlord brings Megatronus himself to reclaim the blaster, at which point Megatron realizes Megatronus's true agenda and motivations.
  • 2018-06-05 8:16 pm by Sabrblade
    Today, the sixth episode of Machinima's new Transformers: Power of the Primes online mini-series has aired on Go90 and Tumblr. Titled "Countdown", Overlord and Rodimus Cron finally catch up to the team inside the Athenaeum Sanctorum, where Overlord vows to have his long-awaited revenge against Megatron, while Rodimus tries to murder his former comrades. All the while, Optimus Primal must decide how to keep the Requiem Blaster safe from these two villains.
  • 2018-05-31 3:04 am by Sabrblade
    RoboCon 2018 (the spiritual successor to BotCon) is just a little over a week away and the con's Facebook has made a new announcement regarding the convention, particularly about its schedule and so much more.

    Yours truly will once again be onsite to cover this convention's events and all of the Transformer goodness thereabouts. Hope to see as many familiar faces there as well.

    Below is a copy of the full announcement:
  • 2018-05-31 3:04 am by Sabrblade
    RoboCon 2018 (the spiritual successor to BotCon) is just a little over a week away and the con's Facebook has made a new announcement regarding the convention, particularly about its schedule and so much more.

    Yours truly will once again be onsite to cover this convention's events and all of the Transformer goodness thereabouts. Hope to see as many familiar faces there as well.

    Below is a copy of the full announcement: