New songs
Older Songs
- Drawing Time
song explores a casual human perspective on the passage of time
throughout one's life. + just a bit of cornyness. My old Room mate
Luther is playing the drums and base. Guitar/Vocals - Jason.
- Unicron's Descent
first wrote this song with out the techno beat and with totally
different words. I've been wanting to record the origional, but never
got around to it. Instead we have a really great rendition that tells
the story of the Transformer's movie from one of the human character's
pt of view. Yep I'm a nerd.
- Summer Rain
- Hercules
I wrote
this song as a creative project for Myth and Meaning (college course).
It tells the mythically correct version of this "hero's" story.
- Let It Go
Really quick one shot recording
- The Dance Revisited
song shows just how sickeningly sappy I can be when I really
put my mind to it. Thankfully I make fun of my self in the
First Recordings from Cloud Nine shattered Project