Do you know a juicy bit of Transformers News? E-mail Brian or Perceptor so we can share w/ the rest of the fandom!  If you've found a new Transformer in stores please report your findings in the sightings page.  Thanks!  We appreciate the updates!

Jason is:


Kevin is:

News/items from you listed as Unicron

blue bar - Page update.

purple bar - News item.


* Someday (hopefully soon!) we'll be back to doing actual new updates!  Until then, we're still back-tracking.  Now the 1988 page exists again w/ pad/package pix, correct order... and the mainpage has been re-tweeked.  Differences are minor, but there. 
* "Unicron's Spawn" story that began with "Legacy of Darkness" continues with issue 2 "Fall of the Blendtrons" by Richard F. Suarez. See Computer Comics.
* Before we were so rudely interrupted with our site going down again by our former idiot website-hosts, we were making some nice progress.  Everything after our last site back-up was lost in the crash.  Previous recent updates had/have to be re-done.  So, you'll find the 1984, 85, 86, and 87 Sections now work again and now include (again) collector pads, checklists, and package art. Box pix are shown in order of appearance in the checklist.  Oh goodie!  Here we go again folks!  Have a great weekend!


Sorry about the down-time; we've been having major server web hosting woes! However, is finally working again... sort of. We know, half of the sub sections still aren't working -- we're still trying to get everything straight. You'll notice that we are without "last updated dates" and a web counter also. Be patient, and we'll sort it all out.   ...and then, we'll get to do it all again.


Whew! As of my last tally in the 1986 Transformers Section, I've got 61 character pages done, zero to go!  Don't worry, I certainly don't consider the section "done" but it's got a nice framework to continue building upon!  That's because I've just added the "BIG Guns" of the year! Autobot Hero/Leader Rodimus Prime and Autobot City: Metroplex have all new character pages! (Yea, I know, 'Plex central tower is missing.  I couldn't find the parts!)  

 3/23/2002 4am!

*  Did you see THIS?!  I don't know if I'm more surprised that Armada prototype Megs went SO ridiculously high or that the "reserve was not met!"  $810! Woa.! Hold tight folks, in only a few months we'll all be able to buy the real deal!
*  According to RID cartoons will now air on FOXkids at 10:30am instead of 7! (Thank goodness!)  And, Megabolt Megatron may be found at a KB toys in the not-too-distant future. (I wouldn't hold your breath! But cool!)
*  We've heard rumors that the new TF: Armada shows will air on Cartoon Network.  Michael found a WB cartoons page on, that stated:  "...Cartoon Network announced... that Toonami will be expanding this fall. The block, which currently runs M-F 5-7pm, will gain an hour, airing from 4-7pm.  Prompting this expansion is the addition of two brand new series to the Toonami lineup: "Transformers: Armada" based on exciting new toy line from Hasbro (...and He-Man....)
*  David wrote us to say that in Canada, YTV has been airing Beast Wars (Beasties) at 7am Saturday mornings.  Lucky canucks! Now you have a reason to get up at 7 again!
  Several small corrections made (mostly in "other appearances") of character pages for: Broadside, Sandstorm, and  Hubcap.
  Oh, and be sure to check out several new updates in Your Section of the Alterations Page!  Have a nice weekend everybody. 


Can't wait for the new Dreamwave TF comics?  Neither can we!  BUT, you'll find a great new update in our Computer Comics Section called "Diversion" by Harry Beejan.  The first two parts are in black and white and the longer final part 3 is in breathtaking color!    It's 72 pages of well written, well drawn G1 bliss!  Check it out and Enjoy!  Thanks for the great work Harry!

 3/19/2002  9am Central

Check a few more character pages off the "To Do" List!  (Can you tell?  I've finally got my computer and all it's necessary components working again!)  SO, in the now almost done 1986 TF Page, you'll find the remaining Autobot triple changers: Broadside and Sandstorm and the '86 mini-bots like everyone's favorite: Wheelie as well as Hubcap, Outback, Pipes, Swerve, and Tailgate.

 3/16/2002 7:51pm Central

- The weblog received some nice cosmetic changes.
- The links page got something of an overhaul today. The voting system is new, and has been reset. (All links are currently receiving a "5 out of 10" rank.) Also, the 'last updates' have been cleared. I'm counting on everyone to help fill the section up with 'last updated' data and page rankings! Well, it's worth checking out, anyway.

 3/16/2002 10am Central

* More "movie stars!"  Now, you'll also find new pages for Springer and Wreck-Gar!
* Having just revamped the Unicron character page, I felt the need to crank out a few more pages for a few of the other characters in TF:TM.  In the 1986 TF Page, check out all new pages for three of the most famous G1 Autobots: Hotrod, Kup, and Blurr.

 3/14/2002 6:49pm Central

Internet event: Richard Toler of the The Wheezebucket is hosting an online chat event with voice actor Neil Ross (Bonecrusher/Crosshairs/Hook/Point Blank/Sixshot/Slag/Springer - Fracas/Monzo/Tornedron) this Saturday. Everyone is welcome. Details: Saturday, March 16th - 6pm Central time (4pm Pacific) **Event rescheduled to this Saturday, March 23rd. See The Wheezebucket for details.

 3/12/2002 8pm Central

Our main page has a new look! We're not quite finished with it yet, but we thought you might want to see what we've been working on lately. Expect more (less major) changes to it in the near future.
Also, please visit our newly re-vamped "Who is Unicron?" and "About us" sections.
Also, Legacy of Darkness act 3 is out. See our Computer comics section

 2/21/2002 10am Central
Alright! The Computer Comics Section has been updated with Act 2: The Stand of One written by Rony Tal & illustrated by Aaron Thomas.  Sorry about the lack of updates.  I  have had a number of computer problems that have kept me out of the loop the past few months.  Now that everything's up to speed, I hope to have more updates in finding other comics, as well as continuing my own Legacy of Darkness comic.
 2/20/2002 8am
* Your Section of the Alterations Page has been updated with several new additions.
* Also has compiled Dreamwave Comic's Transformers art pix in one page. (Thanks guys!)  If you haven't seen 'em all already, be sure to take a few moments to check check out these incredible images which include: posters, comic covers, Armada box art and computer screen backgrounds. 
* More pix and info can be found on Dreamwave's new official page too.
 2/18/2002 11pm Central
* Whew, the 2000 TF page is, well I wouldn't call it "done" but for now it's complete, w/ pages added for Primal Prime and Supreme Cheetor.
* Sure! Ono other pages of the net you'll find all new pics of all new TFs!  Well, here on we're updating w/ new pics of toys that were in stores years ago and weren't even necessarily all that popular!  Oh well.  If we've ever going to claim to be a complete archive of every TF ever made, we've got to get caught up sooner or later!
In the 2000 TF page, you'll find an entirely new character page for BMach Megatron  and several updates in Mega Cheetor, Tankor's pages (Almost done w/ 2000!) 
 2/14/2002 10am Central

Be still my heart!  Oh baby, this is amazing AMAZING stuff!  Check out this article in news "DREAMWAVE: More Than Meets the Eye" with Loads of Preview Art.  Superion and Defensor versus Predaking!  Breathtaking!  Jazz, Prowl, and Mirage art: Awesome!!!  and more!  (you have to scroll down half way to get to the link to the article on Dreamwave:TF stuff.  Happy Valentines Day everyone!

 2/13/2002 9pm Central
* You'll find the Sighting's Section is now better organized and now includes all the new Transformers items to come out which we know of.
* Your Section of the Alterations Page has been updated with several new additions.
 2/13/2002 10am Central

Let the good times roll!  On the horison: new comics, new toys, new shows, and now new DVD's!  I've heard plenty of rumors but here is some new news w/ regard to the G1 Transformers season 1 DVD coming up soon.  Yea, baby!  I love DVD "bonus features." reports:
"...The first 16 episodes <G1 Transformers season 1> have been announced on a 4-Disc set. The set will contain 3 discs of episodes and a fourth with all the bonus features. TF: Season 1 is scheduled for 4/23 with retail tag of $59.95.  DVD Specs include:

  • New digital transfer from original 35mm film
  • Transformers Restoration
  • Outtakes
  • Alternate Sequences
  • Never-before seen documentary: A Taste of Botcon 2001
  • Anomalies
  • Bumpers
  • Original Transformers Script
 2/11/2002 5pm Central

Want to see LOADS of great new pictures of 2002 Transformers:Armada?  So did we!  Go check out Altered States Magazine and their report on the newest Transformers seen at the 2002 ToyFare.  Very cool stuff!  Exciting points to note:
* Dreamwave artists are providing the package art as well as a new comic for Armada!
* Great new red/blue... techno package coloring.  (I think it looks better than most of what we've seen the last few years; definitely better than RID.)
* Aw, the toys!  They look like many aspects have been taken from...
G1: all bot-to-vehicle transforms, 'blocky' robots, but typically much more techno/cybertronian-y.  The new Armada Optimus looks like a big, beefy, manga version of his G1 self.
G2: Megatron looks very much like an evolution of his Actionmaster/G2 tank mode self. Beast Wars/Mach: These toys look much more poseable than previous vehicle based TF's of G1 or G2.
* The Mini-con counter parts resemble the previous Target/Head/Power Masters of G1 in that they combine in some way or another w/ other larger TF's to aid in some way or another...  But what's new is that they transform independently and sometimes combine w/ one another.  Starscream's releases a pair of laser canons when combined.
As it has been said, it looks like a great time to be a Transformers fan! :)  

 2/10/2002 9pm Central
* More things checked off the 'To Do' list in the 2000 TF Section:  You'll find new tech specs added for Blastcharge, comic pix/t.s. for Magmatron, a new page for T-wrecks, comic pic added to Airraptor, Dinotron, Striker, Triceradon's pages, two more all new pages for Icebird and Soundwave and comic pic added to Razorclaw and Poisonbite's. 
 2/9/2002 8am Central

If you haven't seen it already, check out Hasbro's official TF page and THIS LINK specifically to see what Hasbro has to say about the TF's of 2002, includes lots of interesting new stuff on Transformers: ARMADA!

 2/3/2002 9am Central
* I'm attempting to take care of a few "loose ends."  You'll find the following new additions: In the 2000 Transformers section, comic pics and tech specs added for the Deployers: Dillo, Mol, and Rav.  Tech spes for the Beast Riders Che and Mechatron, comic pic added for Mirage, new toy pics of Optimus Primal, and entirely new pages for Blackarachnia, Blastcharge, Skydive and Snarl.  (Great toys! I can't believe we didn't have these pages up sooner!  Well the year still isn't "done" but at least it's a little closer!  Have a nice rest of the weekend everyone.
* Check out these pics released of Playskool's upcoming Transformers: Cheetor, Gorrilabot, Speedbot, Mototron!

January 2001 to January 2001
August 2000 to January 2001
April 2000 to July 2000
December 99 to March 2000

November to October 1999
September to July.1999
June 1999 to oldest news we saved...