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Press Release from the makers of Transformers The Game

Posted by:
Anonymous at 2007-08-22 11:55 pm
PROTECT OR DESTROY, The Battle for the AllSpark is now being waged on two fronts!  At TRANSFORMERSGAME.COM, the Decepticons continue their domination of the Autobots and, as of 8/20/2007, lead by almost 61MM points!

On the Nintendo DS the slugfest continues with each side registering key victories in the quest for the AllSpark. Choose between two unique games - Transformers: Autobots or Transformers: Decepticons - and then download daily challenges, track stats and wage war against the other side in the battle for the AllSpark! Autobots have had a big month by registering 3 major battle wins. Check battle status, build your profile and join a clan on

The Battle will transform into an all out world war this summer as the game and the movie release worldwide. Battle on and finish the fight! As Optimus said: "ONE SHALL STAND, ONE SHALL FALL."

Get the ultimate Transformers game experience by checking out all of our content available on Xbox live. Kick it old school with downloadable content including the Gen 1 Autobotos Theme, Gen 1 Decepticons Theme, Gen 1 Picture Pack, Game themes and Game picture packs. Not satisfied yet? How about going behind the scenes with videos from Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox and Travellers Tales (Game Developer). Finally, for all you HD fans out there, you can also download our trailers in full 720p, 5.1 glory!

Perceptor said,  - 2007-08-23 00:00:40
Although initially I thought it would be more fun to play as a Decepticon, the deeper into the game I get, the more I find I enjoy playing as an Autobot. I still haven't found any G1 character unlockables. So fellow fans, point me in the right direction. Where/how do I get'm? I want to play as G1 Optimus Prime!
Blasten Blaster said,  - 2007-08-23 00:21:45
Perceptor I'm not gonna lie to you when I've played the 360 version I been a little...IDK. I just go strait for the cheat code when i get a new game and sure enough i went for them when i got Transformers. G1 OP isn't as fun as you think he'd be. I was pretty disapointed when I played as him. Don't get me wrong he's fun but just not as how you'd probably expect him. Trust me if you want to be him that badly just use cheats or you'll be playing for ever
HumanError said,  - 2007-08-23 13:22:46
Percepter you can go to and find out where all the symbols are so you can get the skins

Hey blaster did you just unlock the "Robo-vision" prime, or the actual "G1" prime? because ive gotta tell ya at first i thought the "Robo-Vision" prime was what they were trying to pawn off as "G1" prime. Then i got the "G1" prime and megs and i thought they were pretty sweet. That is except for the fact that megs doesnt really transform he just kinda flys around.
Blasten Blaster said,  - 2007-08-23 15:41:59
I unlocked both but the robo-vision for OP u can't really tell the difference since most of his levels are in a night setting making your surrondings dark. If you know what I mean.
Humanerror said,  - 2007-08-23 17:05:45
Yeah i know what you mean. The only real difference is the fact that his weapons are better.
ROBOT ZOMBIE said,  - 2007-08-24 14:44:01
Starscream said,  - 2007-08-24 15:21:24

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