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Barricade Light Bar, Exclusive Swerve, $5 off at Hasbro Toy Shop

Posted by:
Knightwing at 2007-08-26 8:01 am
Here's an ebay auction for those of you who like customizing your Transformers.  It's a light kit for the Deluxe Class Barricade.  I have to thank Magnumtron of a Yahoo groop I'm a member of for the heads up.

Chevrolet is doing an interesting promotion.  Buy a car get an exclusive Transformer.  The exclusive isn't a repaint of something you already have.  It's also not a simple retool of a known mold.  Nope, this is an all new mold.  It's a Chevy Aveo Autobot named Swerve.  You can see the images at has a promotional code for that will get you $5 off a purchase of $25 or more.  The code is:  TFPEPSI     You can read the article here.

Rhinox said,  - 2007-08-26 11:24:52
The one jin saotome made for his Deluxe barricade is better.
Chaos Bringer said,  - 2007-08-26 12:37:10
I think this may just be the most expensive transformer ever. It may go for more than lucky draw repaints. Is it possible to get a figure of this mold anyway else or was it made from scratch for this car?
Blasten Blaster said,  - 2007-08-26 15:57:00
I bought one of the Barricade lights!
ultraprime said,  - 2007-08-27 11:14:10
I gotta get them lights!
Chaos Bringer said,  - 2007-08-27 17:50:49
The Barricade lights is pretty neat. I would pick one up if I wasn't saving up for encores. Of cource, as soon as I have enough money to get all the ones I want, they'll make Devastator. They'll probably announce it the exact second that I order them.
Knight wing said,  - 2007-08-27 18:37:12
I am completly on board for an Encore G1 Devastator! That would rock. Mine's a knock off. It's okay, but it wasn't ever ment to be played with.
rodimus prime said,  - 2007-08-27 21:18:05
hy can yall do me a favour can yall tell me were botcon is
or will be in 2008
humanerror said,  - 2007-08-28 03:21:58
i think its too soon to know where the next bot con will be. but as soon as we know it'll be posted don't worry.
primeone said,  - 2007-08-28 09:39:03
that light on ebay is the same as the one jin used from a dollar tree flashing horn whistle. which of course was bought for a dollar and removed the plastic horn whistle + ebay sell for $6 = ripoff. I bought the dollar store one and did the mod myself already.
Chaos Bringer said,  - 2007-08-28 17:28:43

Masterpiece Megatrons everywhere are developing cosmic rust on their feet. Check yours as soon as you can! This problem is widespread and is a serious problem. It will only be a matter of time before it develops in the spine too.
BTW, are the miniature Devastator KOs any sturdier than the full size ones?
humanerror said,  - 2007-08-29 03:08:19
yeah, Chaos Bringer i heard about that too
Chaos Bringer said,  - 2007-09-02 13:28:33
This is exactly why everyone needs to stop complaining about figures not having die-cast metal in them.

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