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Posted by:
Perceptor at 2007-10-29 6:56 pm
Only once in a great while will we make an exception to post a non-TF personal news item.  This is one of those times!  CONGRATULATIONS to Lukis Bro. #2 (Brian aka who became a father yesterday!  His wife gave birth at 3:30 pm to a bouncing baby girl!  Everyone is healthy and happy and doing well.  ALRIGHT!!!!

human_error said,  - 2007-10-29 19:17:18
Congratulations! To the Lukis family on their newest addition! BTW this can still be considered "Transformers News" as im sure she will grow to be a fan.
Mechaburst said,  - 2007-10-29 19:27:46
shanewaldo said,  - 2007-10-29 19:33:32
WAY TO GO BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Master Dex said,  - 2007-10-29 20:03:28
Rock on! There is no better news one can ever have. Congrats to Brian and all of you.
megatron said,  - 2007-10-29 21:26:23
congrats brian and to the lukis family.
Knight wing said,  - 2007-10-29 22:05:37
Congrats Brian! I hope you don't mind a little drama. I've found with my 2 girls, there will be tears more often than you might expect.
Bellprime said,  - 2007-10-30 00:10:26
Cograts Brian. Arcee would be a great name. You could name her Rachel Catherine or any names with the initials RC
crapformer said,  - 2007-10-30 01:55:40
Congratulations....Maybe hasbro will invent a Barbie that transforms into something cool some day.
TriPredRavage said,  - 2007-10-30 07:31:37
Congratulations! Wow, a brand new Lukis. I'm not sure how I feel about Bellprime's name suggestion. I can't tell if I think it's a little obsessive, or the best idea for a name I've ever heard. Either way, congratulations to all the Lukis bros for their latest family member!
Jumpercliff said,  - 2007-10-30 17:57:21
Starscream/Ty, easy! Not to be literal, "Break out the cigars!" This is even more joyous than when live-action movie came out!
grimlockams prime said,  - 2007-10-30 19:38:45
crapformer,that lisens is held by mattel not hasbro, also congradulatetions(con-gradu-late-ti-ons)
changy said,  - 2007-10-30 21:07:29
that is news to me
i hope she has a great life
Bellprime said,  - 2007-10-30 21:08:06
It was just a thought. Congrats again, Brian!!
Scorpomike said,  - 2007-10-31 01:02:46
Congratulations! I already nominate her to be in a future Transformers movie. Does anybody else agree?
megagalvacron said,  - 2007-10-31 16:03:28
CONGRATS (As a friend of mine once said WHOOO)
Darkton said,  - 2007-10-31 18:07:47
Congrats! I hope she lives well.

Melissa would be a good name. Don't ask me why.

It just would.
Slashwing said,  - 2007-10-31 21:39:52
Congratulations!! maybe she will start collecting TFs a lot earlier than we think.
Stevie said,  - 2007-11-01 10:26:37
Where do babies come from?
Duckie said,  - 2007-11-03 13:02:18
Congratulations!!! ^_^

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