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Be Excited, Transformers Animated is Coming! (part 2)

Posted by:
Perceptor at 2007-12-14 3:21 pm
Here is a continuation of our report from the CartoonNetwork Transformers Animated press release. 

RATCHET: (voiced by Corey Burton)
Short-tempered, grizzled and seemingly older than the ALLSPARK itself, RATCHET is the team’s medic and OPTIMUS PRIME’s occasional drill sergeant/second-in-command.  He’s an expert healer, but his bedside manner leaves a lot to be desired.  Spend two minutes with RATCHET and you instantly get the sense that this bot’s seen it all.  RATCHET largely keeps his past to himself, dishing out tantalizing tidbits when he feels the “kids” can handle, or NEED to handle, some of the truth.

Robot Mode Power: RATCHET has magnetic powers.  He can attract and repel any metallic matter or create magnetic force fields.  He also uses these powers as the team’s medic, reshaping metal and circuitry, patching up any of the AUTOBOTS in the field.  His talents also make him the team’s gadget-head. He can configure any tech they need and even perform robot/vehicle upgrades for all the AUTOBOTS. 

Vehicle Mode Appearance: Tactical Medical Response Vehicle.

PROWL: (voiced by Jeff Bennett) 

PROWL is dark, sleek, agile, mysterious, and the ninja of the team.  He speaks only when he has to, and even then as briefly as possible.  Of all the AUTOBOTS, he’s the most skilled in direct combat.  A natural spy, PROWL can infiltrate most any location unseen and unheard, so he’s used for reconnaissance more than any other Autobot.  He is a bot of very little talk and much action.  He’s unflappable, precise and has developed a keen interest in organic life.

Robot Mode Power:  PROWL is an expert in camouflaging himself.  He can turn virtually any object into a weapon.  He also has keener senses—higher rez everything—than the other AUTOBOTS.

Vehicle Mode Appearance: Police Motorcycle.

fantastic said,  - 2007-12-14 16:38:06
How Do I get one of those i have radio show that is talking about big giant robots coming up soon and woud love to have one of those
Perceptor said,  - 2007-12-14 16:41:34
Shoot me an e-mail fantastic
Sabrblade said,  - 2007-12-14 17:24:15
Oh, great! BB's the new Cheetor/Side Burn/Hot Shot. Why? That's Hot Rod's role, not Bumblebee's!

And, why is it that every time we see pre-Earth-mode Prime he looks ok, but whenever we see Earth-mode Prime he looks anorexic?

Other than these two irks, I can't wait for this series to begin.
Jumpercliff said,  - 2007-12-14 18:19:32
Nice stills, still!
SUNSTORM34 said,  - 2007-12-14 19:28:17
Human Error said,  - 2007-12-14 20:35:49
Cool! Ratchet sounds a lot like good old Kup.
swarlock said,  - 2007-12-15 10:02:05
So far, so good. I was a little surprised by Bumblebee's bio.
But the proof is in the pudding as they say.
Jolt said,  - 2007-12-15 10:12:05
Bumblebee is like omg awsome i wish they had the Mini-cons, Jolt, Six-speed, and Reverb. I LIKE Jolt
Jolt said,  - 2007-12-15 10:15:16
transformers robots in disguise! hey if you want a sneak peak of the new cartoon go to youtube
Perceptor said,  - 2007-12-15 11:06:32
Very astute observation HumanError!
Know what? His voice sounds like Kup too!!
Human Error said,  - 2007-12-15 12:07:59
Thats awesome Percepter!
Ultra Madness said,  - 2007-12-16 02:53:00
Ratchet has Windcharger's powers! Prowl has Mirage's powers!
All sparkey said,  - 2007-12-16 09:11:24
I thnk Optimus Prime is cool, but really, A fire truck? A normal truck it cooler. I agree with Jolt, they need minicons!
Wouldntulike2know said,  - 2007-12-16 11:14:34
Ok Issac Sumdac looks like Albert Einstein!! I mean I thought that he adopted Sari and he just looks dorky!
Who agrees with Me???
Plz answer
Wouldntulike2knowsimaginypal said,  - 2007-12-16 15:17:45
I agree with yee!!
TransFan07 said,  - 2007-12-17 16:18:53
oh,man, prowl sounds cool,I'm looking forward to this series, but sari looks kinda like a monkey
All sparkey said,  - 2007-12-19 18:42:46
Um... Wouldntulike2know, your right.
Wouldntulike2no said,  - 2007-12-27 10:19:42
I know, thanks!
All sparkey said,  - 2007-12-27 13:22:12
ok, that wasn't bad at all. I read that the same people that did Teen titans did the show, BBB reminded me of Beast Boy. OP scared me.... kinda. Sari was CUTE!

Prowl, um...... WEIRD!
Wouldntulike2know said,  - 2007-12-27 19:12:30
Yeah . . . Ironic I was thinking of Bumblebee being Beast Boy too, All sparky
A real TF fan said,  - 2007-12-30 17:44:19
These shots look absolute shit! Designed by 2 year olds for 2 year olds. FFS they look nothing like robots or vehicles, and I am disgusted that some gimp has done this. BRING BACK G1!!!!!! BTW I loved the new film (cheese n all) so im not stuck in a timewarp!
All sparkey said,  - 2008-01-06 09:07:32
The show is somewhat like Teen Titans... sadly. I agree with 'A real TF fan'... somewhat. I miss some the the details in G1. I would like the see it again. on line watching... ain't so good.
Wouldntulike2no said,  - 2008-01-06 14:08:21
All sparky, u can watch G1 cartoons on u tube, just type in Transformers episode 1. :)
all sparkey said,  - 2008-01-12 10:15:49
yeah i know but it sucks whn you ahve to sit in front of you computer all day. I burns my eyes and my dad want the computer too. it sucks.
Wouldntulike2no said,  - 2008-01-22 20:02:33
When u get in2 the episodes like 18 and 19 some ppl dont have em
Bummblebee AKA Girl. said,  - 2008-02-21 10:57:46
I think ratchet is hot. dont you?
All sparkey said,  - 2008-03-07 18:21:19
Ratchet? not really... now Prowl.... LUV him.
Prowlobsessed said,  - 2008-04-07 18:10:49
I <3 Prowl! HE IS MY LIFE!!! Ratchet is kinda creepy. I don't know. Just is.
Optimus's Biggest fan said,  - 2008-05-21 15:05:35
Personaly i think this new animated series is the best thing to happen to us transformer lovers. I've seen some of the new episodes and I've never had to giggle so hard in my life just at how the new BumbleBee acts.
BUMBLEBEESFAN said,  - 2008-05-21 15:10:57
I totaly agree with Optimus's biggest fan, I think BumbleBee is so funny I almost fell out of my seat laughing, I was practically in tears!!
Optimus's Biggest fan said,  - 2008-05-21 15:14:58
Do you know what would be really awsome, if this website would set it up so that you could watch the actual Transformers:animated videos.
cool XD
PROWL"SLOVER said,  - 2008-10-28 17:08:19
OMG,I know what you mean they should totally have videos on here!!
j2X1yP , [url=]qokbghzhgywo[/url], [link=]qjaozmrunnij[/link],
prowl said,  - 2009-01-31 12:59:10
es calado
jlUjci <a href="">tktmsxqnksgi</a>, [url=]zjwcinwdkbxb[/url], [link=]zgzbidaqadzs[/link],
Anthony said,  - 2009-04-18 19:07:01
there all cool
Recon Team V.S Evil said,  - 2009-06-06 14:09:21
Transformers Animated Rox!Ive seen all the episodes. My fave ones are:Autoboot Camp,Where Is Thy Sting and Transform And Roll Out! Here is the autobots personalities (my opinion)

Optimus Prime-Awesome,Caring,Protective

Bumblebee-(My Fave),Speedy,Young,Funny

Prowl-Strong,Silent Type



Also I agree with Jolt and All Sparkey THEY NEED MINICONS!
Recon Team V.S Evil said,  - 2009-06-06 14:09:30
Transformers Animated Rox!Ive seen all the episodes. My fave ones are:Autoboot Camp,Where Is Thy Sting and Transform And Roll Out! Here is the autobots personalities (my opinion)

Optimus Prime-Awesome,Caring,Protective

Bumblebee-(My Fave),Speedy,Young,Funny

Prowl-Strong,Silent Type



Also I agree with Jolt and All Sparkey THEY NEED MINICONS!
transformers es bakan
bumblebee's fan said,  - 2010-01-09 22:19:26
i dont care if they dont have minicons, they should make an episode where Prowl somehow comes back to life and they can start all over from that. BUMBLEBEE IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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