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Be Excited, Transformers Animated is Coming! (part 3)

MEGATRON (pose 1) & MEGATRON (pose 2):
(voiced by Corey Burton) MEGATRON is a fierce, unyielding despot who sees himself as a freedom fighter. He sees the DECEPTICONS as an oppressed race suffering under the tyranny of the AUTOBOTS. The DECEPTICONS must survive by any means necessary. He takes extreme pleasure in the suffering of even a single Autobot. And MEGATRON does not care at all for the collateral damage known as humans who might happen to stand in his way. He has the zeal of a fanatic and demands the unquestioning loyalty of those who serve him.
Robot Mode Power: MEGATRON begins the series with only one power: the power to lie and manipulate Sumdac to repair and reconstruct him. Over time, the MEGATRON head will develop into a powerful psychokinetic who can control any machine. While the Cybertronian minds are too advanced to succumb to this ability, MEGATRON can control virtually any robot on Earth and the automated plants that construct them. In addition to this power, MEGATRON’s eventual robot body will be equipped with an assortment of laser cannons, sonic missiles and pulse blasters.
Vehicle Mode Appearance: Helicopter Gunship.
STARSCREAM(Voiced by Tom Kenny) While most of the DECEPTICONS viewed MEGATRON’s defeat and seemingly extinguished spark as a blow to their cause, STARSCREAM viewed it as an opportunity for his own cause. STARSCREAM has always lived in MEGATRON’s shadow, and it burns him constantly. He feels he’s done as much if not more than MEGATRON in the name of the DECEPTICON cause, but he simply lacks MEGATRON’s charisma to inspire others to follow him. STARSCREAM makes up for this failing with lies, deceit, manipulation and when all else fails…MORE lies, deceit and manipulation. STARSCREAM would love nothing more than to obtain the ALLSPARK himself, win the devotion of the DECEPTICONS and usurp MEGATRON’s rule. He’s driven by jealousy, pure and simple. A Machiavellian manipulator who never met an ally he wasn’t willing to stab in the back to get what he wants.
Robot Mode Power: STARSCREAM has incredible speed, maneuverability, and hovering capabilities. He can fly rings round the AUTOBOTS. In addition, he can affect a sonic scream and produce powerful blasts of sound that can send enemies spinning through the atmosphere.
Vehicle Mode Appearance: Harrier Jet.
(voiced by David Kaye) LUGNUT
is more a force of nature than a DECEPTICON.
MEGATRON’s fiercely loyal but none-too-bright attack dog. He would gladly follow his leader into the
depths of hell. Of the DECEPTICONS, only
LUGNUT refuses to believe that MEGATRON is gone for good. When we first meet him, LUGNUT has devoted
his life to preserving his beloved leader’s memory and vanquishing his
foes. LUGNUT deems himself and any other
DECEPTICON unworthy to take the mantle of leadership. Personality-wise, LUGNUT comes across as a
cross between a pit bull, a Klingon and a manic street preacher.
Robot Mode Power: LUGNUT is incredibly strong, the Hulk to BULKHEAD’s Thing. He also carries a payload of mega-bombs and can spew liquid napalm with laser-like accuracy. But he much prefers to rip things apart with his bare hands.
Vehicle Mode Appearance: Supersonic Bomber.
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