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Be Excited, Transformers Animated is Coming! (part 4)

(Voiced by Cree Summer) BLACKARACHNIA is a freak among DECEPTICONS. Some time back, an encounter with the ALLSPARK caused her to fuse with an organic spider, turning her into a techno-organic hybrid of animal and machine. She despises this new form, especially on Earth, where her giant spider mode doesn’t exactly allow her to “blend.” BLACKARACHNIA will do anything to find a cure for her condition and doesn’t care who she has to step on to get it. Obviously the ALLSPARK and its Autobot protectors will play a big role in her schemes.
Robot Mode Power: BLACKARACHNIA has multiple eyes and eight limbs – two of which are skinny, pincer-like “spider limbs” that jut from her back and arc over her shoulders. The pincer limbs can strike like scorpions’ tails, stunning prey with her venom, or spraying spider-like webs. She also has the ability to download and temporarily absorb other Cybertronians’ powers.
Vehicle Mode Appearance: BLACKARACHNIA has no vehicle mode appearance. Instead she changes into a giant techno-organic black widow spider.
(voiced by Bumper Robinson) The
“Joker” of the DECEPTICONS. An unpredictable
“triple changer” multiple personality bot, driven mad by his constantly
shifting appearance. He has three personalities,
one for each face, and his power depends on the face: Icy, cold and
calculating; Hothead, short tempered, volatile; and Random, completely bonkers.
Robot Mode Power: BLITZWING is a “triple-changer”—that is, he has three modes (one robot, two vehicles). Plus he has three faces, each with its own personality. His power depends on which face he’s showing. Heat/flame, cold/ice or completely random.
Vehicle Mode Appearance: Jet and Tank.
(Voiced by Lance Henrickson) A
sleek stealth fighter, LOCKDOWN is a skilled hunter and tracker who can blend
into nearly any environment. He lives
for the hunt and for the thrill and challenge it provides. He has no strong allegiance to MEGATRON or
the DECEPTICONS, but is more than willing to hire himself out as a
Mercenary/Bounty Hunter.
Robot Mode Power: LOCKDOWN is outfitted with all kinds of high-tech weaponry befitting a robot hunter – bolos, snare nets, electronic stun darts (which can prevent mode changes), etc. He also can go into a Predator-like stealth mode for brief periods.
Vehicle Mode Appearance: Muscle Car.
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