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Botcon trailer, Movie Scout Class images, e-Hobby news, TFA Lugnut, Classics 2.0

Posted by:
Knightwing at 2007-12-15 7:39 am
There's a trailer on youtube that many of you will want to see.  It's a teaser for this years Botcon titled Theft of the Golden Disk.  The full 15 minute movie will be shown at Botcon '08 and online at likely in the members only section.

For your prototype bidding pleasure on ebay is a headless prototype TF Animated Lugnut.  There are several pictures of him in both bot and alt modes. /Toyfare Magizine bring news of Classics 2.0.  The good news is, they're saying that we will be getting a tank, a tripple changer, a yellow Lamborgini Sunstreaker, and a police car Prowl.  The bad news is, Titanium WW Grimlock & WW Prowl are not going to be released.  You can read the post here. has images of Allspark Power Movie Scout Class wave 4.  Which include Warpath (repaint of Cybertron Overhaul), Crosshairs (repaint of Energon Strongarm), and Storm Surge (repaint of Cyberton Shortround).

Transformers@themoon is reporting that e-Hobby will no longer be dealing internationally.  What excatly this means for online retailers is as yet uncertin.

Human Error said,  - 2007-12-15 12:14:40
Im so happy were getting a new "Classics" line! i was so afraid that line was going to get shoved aside like the great "Alternators/Binal Tech" line.
Jumpercliff said,  - 2007-12-15 13:35:33
GOOOOOOOOOOO Classics 2.0!!
Sabrblade said,  - 2007-12-15 13:41:41
Who are all eight criminals involved in the theft?

And who else is shown in that clip besides them?
Rhinox said,  - 2007-12-15 14:38:44
WILL be seen? you mean HAS been seen at botcon 2007.
Rhinox said,  - 2007-12-15 14:46:27
Storm surge should be called seaspray.
And warpath is completely rubbish. he should have been a tank.
Luketroop said,  - 2007-12-15 14:48:38
Don't get me wrong but I think that is Beast Wars Because two years ago they made a comic that took place before the Beast Wars, with every body from Beast wars on Earth, and Megatron looked like that clip from the comic book so I think in it is Megatron, Waspinator, Terassur, Scorponok, Dinobot, and so on.
Luketroop said,  - 2007-12-15 14:51:24
I all ready new about the ww gus because I saw them and they looked cool. Go new classics! Lugnus is all right. That wraps Transformers up for 2008, everything is ready to start. I am geussing the tri changer is blitzwing.
Knightwing said,  - 2007-12-15 16:15:05
Opps! Thanks Rhinox, I'll make the correction now. :) And no Luketroop, the new 3-changer for Universe (Classics 2.0) is Octane. Blitzwing is in Animated.
Rhinox said,  - 2007-12-15 17:49:14
Luketroop,read the entire post,this is not announcing the Grimlock and Prowl,it´s saying they WON´T be released.
Dammit,i was looking forward to grimlock.
Luketroop said,  - 2007-12-16 08:38:46
I know that they are not making grimlock at stores but I all ready saw it some where else on a website. Sorry, I should have said web site.
Rhinox said,  - 2007-12-16 08:58:27
i really wanted that WW Grimlock.
Why does Hasbro hate everyone who buys their overpriced crap?
Knightwing said,  - 2007-12-17 05:28:05
They don't hate us. There's just not enough of us to make it profitable for them to continue the 6" Titanium line.
Menastator said,  - 2007-12-17 05:54:50
I think that the criminals in that teaser include Dinobot, Megs, Waspy, Scorponok, and Terrorsaur, who looks like a repaint of Skyblast. Good choice.
Luketroop said,  - 2007-12-17 06:48:09
I know how you feel. WW Grimlock is wicked coll and you could fit a mini-con in the cockpit.
Luketroop said,  - 2007-12-17 14:02:05
It said on You Tube Beast Wars too.
Chaos Bringer said,  - 2007-12-17 20:23:20
No, the problem isn't that not enough people buy their stuff, it's that they don't PUT anything on shelves for us to buy. How many of you actually saw a Titanium Ultra Magnus? And they wonder why we didn't buy enough of them.

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