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Events: Interactive

Posted by:
Jason at 2008-04-24 8:25 am   (site update)

Check it out!  The Events and Interviews Section has been given a full overhaul with a new look and organizational scheme, that is now fully interactive!  Just like our Alterations Blog, you can leave comments, ask questions and now when our on-site reporters provide info from the field, these reports will have a permanent and well organized home within this section.  For example, rather than sifting through the news archive, you can now read:

TriPredRavage's report from ComicCon 2008, Part 1 and Part 2.
TPR and Human Error's report from ToyFair 2008: Part 1, "ToyFair Continued," Part 2 Final Report

Shoot!  Now that we have this new functionality, it's too bad there isn't some kind of fun event coming up soon that we could put this section to good use!  :)   (In other words, stay tuned!  Botcon 2008, here we come!!!)

Perceptor said,  - 2008-04-24 08:51:45
The next step of functionality awesomeness to come will be to fully embed toy picture galleries (like the TFA Grimlock) into individual reports, rather than having text links to individual pictures. Awe-Yeah!
lord megatron said,  - 2008-04-24 10:50:02
cool! Great work on this guys! can I post my trip at botcon too? I'll have my 6.2 mp camera with me at botcon and will be uploading it at youtube hopefully by monday.
Jumpercliff said,  - 2008-04-24 17:51:13
Great interviews!

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