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Alterations Blog Update

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Jason at 2008-05-13 1:26 am

We've got a handful of new content coming for the Alterations Blog so we'll be releasing it one day at a time. Today's featured Transformers Alterationist is Tramp. Check out his awesome completely chromed Botcon Alphatrion, custom Classics Ultramagnus trailer/transformable armor, and completely custom built Moonracer.

The next day the Alterations Blog was updated again with this announcement.

The day after that once again, announcement made here.

Check'm out! and enjoy all.

Jason said,  - 2008-05-13 01:44:43
Sorry it's taken so long. Initially, I was waiting until we got the new gallery functionality up and running, but then papers/finals started taking up my attention since Botcon. There are more great alterations to come in the days ahead...
Perceptor said,  - 2008-05-13 09:45:43
Holy wow, that Alpha Trion is awesome! I've never seen the vacuum metalize effect duplicated so beautifully.
Blasten Blaster said,  - 2008-05-13 11:34:14
Me either. But is that armour eally gonna before sale U.S. stores like the picture make me think.
Jumpercliff said,  - 2008-05-13 17:53:30
Nice customs!
Tramp said,  - 2008-05-14 01:25:30
Thanks for the compliments. Actually, Alpha Trion was drybrushed using Chrome Silver over Gloss Black, then red clearcoat and a very translucent metallic violet paint was applied to the various areas. It actually started out as a Vector Prime, not the BotCon exclusive, so he still has all of the electroneics and everything (something the BotCon exclusive lacks). I had actually made it two years prior to BotCon. The only changes I made after the BotCon version came out were the new head (which is scratch-built), and painting the clear parts violet, as well as repainting Beta Maxx.

Oh, and Blaster, no, the package backs for Ultra Magnus and Alpha Trion are customs created using a combination of Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Ilustrator and Adobe InDesign. I wish that this armor would be produced by Hasbro, but that's not gonna happen.
Tramp said,  - 2008-05-14 01:36:17
Oh, and Alpha Trion's Key to Vector Sigma was also mostly scratch-built using the tip of a Cyberkey, so it actually works in his Cyberkey port to activate his electronics and any other Cyberkey features of any Transformer. .One of these days, I would like to figure out a way to build a big Vector Sigma model with lights (and possibly sounds) that can be activated by the key and/or Beta Maxx by plugging them into its base. Unfortunately, I'm not the most electronically inclined.

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