Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Deep Space Starscream and TF:A figures found in Retail! - *UPDATE!* member Hyper-Chicken has posted that he was able to purchase TF Movie figure Deep Space Starscream from a local Target in Sacramento, CA.This figure isn't due to hit the shelves of Target stores nationwide until the end of June. Deep Space Starscream was available through but the listing is said to be no longer available. Click here to see what Hyper-Chicken had to say.
Also, member Real One has reported seeing Transformers Animated figures at Walmart in Nevada, and he's got the pics to prove it! This means that this is the first report of seeing TF: Animated figures at retail outside of the Ohio state area in the United States. Check this out here.
Within the same thread about the TF:A sighting in Sacremento, CA are more sightings and images of TF:A figure purchases. member Hurrikane informed us of another find in Indiana! Check out his proof here and here. member ponycorn purchased his TF:A findings at a Wal-Mart in San Jose, CA. See these here and here. member dabattousai found his figs at a Wal-Mart Supercenter in Mesa, AZ. See his findings here.
Remember to list all your toy findings in our Transformers Sightings section.
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