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TF2 News

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TriPredRavage at 2008-06-05 6:42 pm

TF2 news on reporting that there is another new cast member: Matthew Marsden.  Supposedly, Bay was so impressed by Marsden's performance that he increased his role.  They also have photos and a written report from the Bethlehem, PA set.

Special thanks to the commenters who have brought this news to our attention.  I wonder if the IDW sequel comic "Reign of Starscream" is set in continuity to the up-and-coming sequel?  Time will tell, I suppose.

cyberwuss said,  - 2008-06-05 18:56:42
I haven't checked TF news in a long time I got the answer to my question on another post that Ultra Magnus animated will be in august/september. I am hyped about this guy and also hyped that it looks like starscream will be returning from the post that was on I think they are talking about him being the one to settle the score.
Sabrblade said,  - 2008-06-05 19:49:35
Hasbro confirmed the subtitle name here:

And thanks for posting this in an official update.
Rhinoxisdaman said,  - 2008-06-05 20:00:14
there is a website that does have a spoiler of the movie but it also announces some of the new characters to be in transformers2. Hotrod, Ultra Magnus, The Constructocons(devastator), soundwave, and more unnamed. ill find the site and post the url in a minute.
TriPredRavage said,  - 2008-06-05 20:02:36
That's my thing though, we've been told that there is going to be false information leaked to us. So I'm just skeptical about the whole thing. Until the actual movie is out and about, I'm just going to take everything with a grain of salt.
Rhinoxisdaman said,  - 2008-06-05 20:04:09
Oh im sry i was so excited i made a mistake....
"Update:'s webmaster, Nelson, has confirmed that this PDF was not fan fiction but instead a pitch/treatment that was submitted by a Hollywood screenwriter. It appears that this pitch will not be used. The real big question, was this something that Ehren Kruger wrote that finally got him the job? Only time will tell."

sry guys but here is da link. its still freaking awesome to read! i recamend it!
Perceptor said,  - 2008-06-05 20:14:52
Sorry TPR (and others) I found a bunch of other awesome stuff and consolidated a lot of TF2 news in the above post. Thanks to everyone for pitching in! Wow we're seeing some awesome stuff here!
Jumpercliff said,  - 2008-06-06 17:38:10
Who's Matthew Mardsen?

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