Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
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Discussion Topic: If you could have...

's been a while since we've had a good discussion topic, so I thought I'd throw one together. Today’s topic: If you could have any Transformers character appear in a Transformers live action movie, who would they be and what would they transform into? It can be any existing Transformer from previous continuities, it can be any alternate mode you want, you name it! Whatever you want.
Personally, I would like to see Cheetor with an alternate mode of the Cheetah MMPV which you can read a little bit about here at Wikipedia. I just think it would be too cool to have the young and spunky character that we’ve all come to know and love. a super armored behemoth. His speed would be on the lower side in comparison to what we’re used to, but I think it would give a really interesting interpretation to what we’ve come to know.
So how about you? Who and what would you guys like to see?
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