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Alterations Blog Update

Posted by:
Jason at 2008-07-21 10:15 pm

Don't miss Chapter 2 in our exclusive Alterations how-to Article series. Thanks again to Shinobitron for another great chapter on how to make your very own Alternators Missle Launcher. We'll let this tutorial speak for itself.

lord megatron said,  - 2008-07-21 22:41:03
hehehe, Energon crazed hooker-bot?!?!?!? LOL! Very good tutorial though. I'm still getting ready to unveil my newest customto the rest of! You've seen my "Prototype" of him Jason. He's turning out to be quite a pain in the after-burner.Paint is holding however. Btw, over at Jin has listed a pretty neat tutorial on how to custom "clone" parts.
yoyo said,  - 2008-07-24 00:16:55
Chapter 2 yo yo yo

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