Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
SDCC 2008 Transformers Panel, Club Exclusives, Marvel Crossovers, and Drift has a report from the SDCC Transformers Panel that consists of a gallery of images featuring several new figures for the Animated and Universe lines, and a Q&A section that focuses on the Animated, Universe, Movie, and "other" toylines. Here's a run down of all the new figures in this gallery:
Animated: Activators Cliffjumper, Deluxes Blurr, Swindle, Voyager Longarm/Shockwave (I think his head's mistransformed), Leader Shadow Blade Megatron.
Universe (previously known, but not seen till now): Deluxes Hound w/ Ravage (can fit into Reissue Soundwave), Cyclonus w/ Nightstick Target Master, Cheetor, Robot Heroes (BM) Cheetor vs. Tankor and (RiD) Optimus Prime vs. Megatron.
Universe (not known or seen until now): Voyager Inferno, Legends Brawn, Beachcomber, Bumblebee (looks like a mix between G1 and TFA BB), and Cosmos.
They've also got image galleries of the TF Collectors Club exclusives (Seacons and Nightbeat), and the IDW Panel report and gallery (which includes images of the new character Drift, who will be made into toy later).
Also, Marvelous News has images of the newer Marvel Crossovers figures, including the Human Torch, Spider-Man (black costume) (redeco), Captain America, Carnage (Venom redeco), a redeco of Iron Man that seems to be War Machine, and the Mighty Thor.
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