Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
*UPDATED* Interview with David Kaye, New Activators, and 25th Anniversary Prime member Stormrider has an exclusive interview with David Kaye, known as the voice of Animated Optimus Prime, and several past Megatrons. Also, in this interview, Kaye further confirms that Bob Forward and Larry Ditillio are back to write for Animated, as we first learned here. Check out this interview here.
Also, TFW2005 has images of upcoming Transformers Animated Activators Megatron (Earth Mode), Grimlock, and Bandit Lockdown. See those here.
Finally, ACToys has images of the coming 25th Anniversary G1 Optimus Prime reissue figure. Not only to we see in-package and out-of-package images of the figure, but we are shown a comparison between this figure and the Commemorative Series release of Prime from years before. Check those out here.
I recently discovered that the images of 25th Anniversary Prime might be a different version, because of an image from Botcon 2008 at shows the figure in different packaging and with long smokestacks (and maybe a gray Roller).
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