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*UPDATED Again* TF Animated Season 3 Character Hints?

s250, from TFW2005 has revealed what he has found out to be characters in the upcoming Transformers Animated Season 3. He is normally a reliable source and is quite often correct. So this should be taken very seriously.
However the names he recieved were (unfortunately for us) written cryptically with only a few letters known, which gives us very little clues to go by. But if one is good a deciphering these types of clues, then he or she could likely figure out which name means which character.
The list goes as follows:
R*da***t, female medic
B***n, very G1,more bulk
B****o**, looks like a big beetle
C*******, big rabbit ears
RP, skinny,head looks like Kup
H*****t, armada head
Sp***or, toad like thing
St***a, very BM
B********er, big G1 head,cute
the “Comic Character” in the show
A****, a big different than previous show,more details I think
Continuing from s250's thread, tfw2005 member Lockdown has more info regarding season 3 characters:
Transformers Animated Season 3 rumor
Episode 30
Galvatron Team VS. Rodimus Prime Team
Galvatron very G1 looking ,transform into a jet
Rodimus Prime,Flame chest and pipes arms
Starscream and Megatron found some OmegaSupreme wreckages….
HotShot in Rodimus Prime Team
Female medic in Rodimus Prime Team
Some toad monster thing in Galvatron Team
no pics.
Sounds interesting to me. What do you guys think?
New sources say that the above information contains an error. It is not Galvatron, but Cyclonus who is the leader. Replace all above uses of he word "Galvatron" with the word "Cyclonus" and you will have the correct info.
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