Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Revenge of the Fallen, SPOILERS Abound!

Check local listings to watch Entertainment Tonight who is reporting from Holloman Airforce Base and have declared it, "Transformers Tuesday!" Should be intersting!
It's ironic how the producers of ROTF talk about the film being more "global in scope," because it seems the real life global scope of Transformers has revealed SPOILERS of a very large scale! ;)
... reports that Optimus Prime will combine with (Autobot) Jetfire as was stated at a Hasbro Italy 2009 Brand Preview! The concept is not without precedent, and should be much enjoyed by fans, especially those who, like me, enjoyed Transformers: Armada.
Contradicting an earlier report from a supposedly inside source claiming the silver corvette is Blurr, is reporting that according to a 2008 Licensing Summit in Malaysia, the sweet looking silver 'vette, is fan favorite, SIDESWIPE! What can I say, this is the first Transformer I ever purchased an I really hope it's true!
The same report also states Ravage will be in the film with a "very raw beast mode" and Optimus Prime will receive a new molded Leader Class toy, as will Megatron a completely new Cybertronian Tank...
Last but not least, we have also learned that the Constructicons will merge to form a "supreme sized figure!" ...
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