Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Animated FULL Season 1 DVD duo-pack have announced some interesting news regarding the currently released Transformers Animated DVDs. Last June saw the DVD release of the TFA intro movie Transform and Roll Out, followed by the Season 1 DVD release in August. Many fans who felt these two as part of a "whole first season" were a bit irked by this. But now we have some good news for you who fit that description, and if you haven't picked up either DVD.
On January 6, the same day as the season 2 set's release, both the movie and the first season sets will be release together in a duo-pack. Now you will have the chance of buying both at the same time together, instead of separately.
Keep in mind tht these will just be the same releases as before, bundled together in shrinkwrap either back-to-back or side-by-side. No new content, new features, or packaging will be featured on either individual disc. But this still a great deal for those of you who haven't got either set yet.
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