Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
The Transformers Collectors Club magazine reveals info on the new TFA season 3 characters!

Major news regarding the third season of Transformers Animated! Months ago, we received a list of several new characters that are supposed to make an appearance in Transformers Animated season 3. Following that, we discovered some concept art of a good amount of those same characters, as well as some official fully colored images of two of them.
Now, the Transformers Collectors Club will be doing something interesting with their magazine. Starting with issue 24, G1 styled tech spec cards will be featured for Transformers Animated characters. They will start off with TEN bios in issue 24, , including those new ones coming in season three, and then continue through 2009 with two bios per issue, making a totel of 22! They've already revealed Ironhide's bio as a sneek peak.
But what's even more exciting is what Defensis Prime of The Allspark forums has posted: info from issue 24 regarding the bios of the new season 3 characters! While this info is brief, it does give us the characters' functions and some hints as to what Rodimus Prime, Ironhide, Red Alert, Hot Shot, Brawn, Strika, Cyclonus, Blackout, Spittor, and Oil Slick will be like. All of these characters (sans Ironhide) are nine-elevenths of that list, and six of them had their concept art shown.
He also mentions that the torso unit of the club combiner (consisting of Skyfall, Landquake, Breakaway, and Topspin) is named "Heatwave". Now we just need to know the name of the combiner/"gestalt" himself.
To see what he posted, CLICK HERE!!!
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