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Revenge of the Fallen Megatron and Ravage images

Posted by:
DocWho at 2008-12-05 5:54 pm

The Transformers Live Action Movie Blog has posted images of Revenge of the Fallen Megatron and Ravage. Be warned these may contain spoilers, and these designs may not be set in stone.


Sabrblade said,  - 2008-12-05 18:27:27
Yikes! Those look sick! (in a good way)

Notice the treads on Megs' feet.
Jumpercliff said,  - 2008-12-05 19:06:32
Okay, forget sick. They look like something out of one of Ozzy Osbourne's stage acts!
Sabrblade said,  - 2008-12-05 21:50:34
I meant "sick!" as in "awesome!"
lord megatron said,  - 2008-12-05 22:23:21
WOW! They look great! Can't wait to see these guys on the big screen!
Agent X said,  - 2008-12-05 23:04:39
I dont like the central eye on Ravage, and if is not an eye he looks like Rudolph
Cheetor2 said,  - 2008-12-06 00:36:57
Ravage looks fantastic. Megatron also looks awesome. I hope that these are the final versions. I'm curious to see what Ravage turns into.
mightwork said,  - 2008-12-06 01:14:49
Woldn't it be cool if they released a special figure of R.O.T.F Megatron with purple and grey colouring, a different head, an orange arm cannon to turn him into Galvatron?
Sidewinder said,  - 2008-12-06 08:22:53
I love them. Fits perfectly with the continuity of the films.
Sabrblade said,  - 2008-12-06 09:19:55
I hear that Ravage may become a liquid missile that Soundwave fires from his satellite mode in the movie.

as for what his toy will become, only time will tell.
starscreamer said,  - 2008-12-06 13:35:53
they both look great to me . but i can't wait to see the other design's
of the charecters that are going to appear in the film.
cyclones said,  - 2008-12-06 14:16:08
megatron is cool
Luketroop said,  - 2008-12-06 14:35:24
They look really awesome but they should add another eye for ravage.
DocWho said,  - 2008-12-06 14:59:34
That Ravage will give small children nightmares. I may just get a large picture of Ravage and tape it to my door. :)
Black Starscream said,  - 2008-12-06 20:07:00
These 2 really do look awsome. Expecially megs; he's much more bearable to me in this form and it won't take an extremely well drawn prequal by Don Figuorea to get me used to it. Only sad thing is that it isn't Galvatron, which would have been good just for classic elements.
ON an unrelated note, I picked up TRU Universe prime and noticed the tamped insignias. So I'm wondering, is TRU Prime a US varient to encore prime?
Sabrblade said,  - 2008-12-06 20:33:38
What TRU Universe Prime? Do you mean the 25th Anniv. Universe Prime? Cuz that's a Wal-Mart exclusive.
Black Starscream said,  - 2008-12-06 22:30:10
Isn't Universe Prime a TRU exclusive? I got one for like $75 total today from TRU. I've noticed on ebay two versions: one with a smaller box and no DVD and the TRU version with a flap on the side that has prime boxart in the form of a flap on the front, a DVD with the scene in warwithin of Prime vs MEgs on the dam and an old comic. Maybe the other is walmart exclusive.
Sabrblade said,  - 2008-12-06 23:02:16
Nope, the Transformers Universe 25th Anniversary Optimus Prime (with DVD and comic) is a Wal-Mart exclusive. But now that I think about it, I think I remember hearing some people say they've found it at some TRUs as well. Still, Wal-Mart does have cheaper prices.

Can you show me what the smaller box w/ no DVD one looks like?
Black Starscream said,  - 2008-12-07 00:49:48
But the one I got was the DVD+Comic. TRU Advertised it two weeks ago also.
Interestingly on the one with the Dvd the plastic insert is molded to fit a Prime without the trimmed smokestacks :O
Sabrblade said,  - 2008-12-07 07:45:43
I believ that one is an early packaging variation that never made it to stores and is only available online. There is no difference between the figures, though. They're both still the same cheap, low-quality, sad Prime toy.
Black Starscream said,  - 2008-12-07 13:39:17
Are they the same as the encore version aside from the smokestacks though?
Sabrblade said,  - 2008-12-07 20:57:44
No. Encore Convoy is in MUCH better quality. It's the exact same as the original G1 version, with a gray Roller.

The 25th Prime is in a lesser quality and is a redeco in a brighter colors (the red is almost pink), tampographed insignias, short stacks, a bright blue Roller, enlongated missiles.

For more info, look here:
Black Starscream said,  - 2008-12-07 22:36:36
Wait is the problem just in colors? OR are there other quality concerns there? Cause if its just the colors then that it doesn't seem much of a problem, epsecially since hasbro did at least decide to add the tamped on insignias on prime himself.
jimmydude said,  - 2008-12-08 18:12:22
i want an arm like megs! id never worry about mean people ever again!
MARC BROWN said,  - 2009-11-03 15:33:32
I LOVE IT SO MUCH SHOW A SLIDE SHOW OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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