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Countdown and Darkwind pictures

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DocWho at 2008-12-17 2:30 pm has a few pictures of the upcoming Countdown and Darkwind figures in robot mode and vehicle mode. 

You can see them here.

Agent X said,  - 2008-12-17 15:48:46
damn Countdown got big
Sidewinder said,  - 2008-12-17 15:59:39
Well, I have to say those are some pretty good redecos. I'm quite impressed.
Powerglide said,  - 2008-12-17 16:12:55
I'm impressed
Jumpercliff said,  - 2008-12-17 17:20:56
So it IS Countdown. Darnit, no remolded head!! I know there's a guy who's doing a Roadbuster upgrade kit that has a faceplate, so I wonder if someone can get him to come up with some stuff like that for Storm Cloud, Countdown, Blades, Blaster, Darkwing/Darkwind, and Dirge.
Slashwing said,  - 2008-12-18 06:33:37
and the cybertron defense red alert mold continues to be awesome. love those colors =). they should at least include a mini con with Darkwind to replace his nebulan companion but I guess that wouid require tooling a powerlinx port for him.
Mighty Maximal said,  - 2008-12-21 01:48:03
They have box pictures now - I notice that he's called Darkwind not Darkwing now.
ultrakenth said,  - 2008-12-21 20:29:18
ultrakenth said,  - 2008-12-21 20:30:53
I think you should get some pictures of samuri prowl. Every body said it will be great.
Sabrblade said,  - 2008-12-21 23:51:37
Look here for some Samurai Prowl pics:

Also, please don't double-post. It gets very annoying after awhile. Please use the edit button in the future.

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