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Transformers Animated's Farewell

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Sabrblade at 2009-02-14 8:51 am
In a previous report, we heard about a rumor that the third season of Transformers animated would be the final one of the series. Now we have even more information on that from s250 on the TFW2005 forums.

s250, who in the past has been a very reliable source for various Transformers spoilers and confirmed rumors, has shed to some light on this rumor. Unfortunately, it seems to be true.

The Transformers Animated series will conclude after its third and final season coming soon in Spring 2009. But that's not the half of it. Yes, there's even worse news.

A major character who has been on the show since episode one and has become very popular among the fans will make the ultimate sacrifice in season three. I will not say who, but you can read s250's post in the thread to see who it will be. For some of us, this will come as a shock, but a few of us who bought the season 2 DVD and watched the audio commentary on "Garbage In, Garbage Out" will remember hearing a mentioning about someone dying in season 3.

Finally, it would seem that there were plans for a fourth season, but all connections that would've been made to it have been scrapped.

You may view this sad, spoilerific piece of information here.

So, I guess that means we'll get some other series after ROTF.

Blackout23 said,  - 2009-02-14 09:28:03
Shame Animated is going to end after season three and no season four.
1-10 said,  - 2009-02-14 11:23:05
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!tfa cant end
Cheetor2 said,  - 2009-02-14 11:59:58
I guess it would be best for the show to go out on a high note. I will miss having new eps of TFA but we will still have the old ones. A.E.C. were the 3 worst TF cartoons ever made after RID. But who knows what the futer will bring. I for one will remain optimistic.
Luketroop said,  - 2009-02-14 12:12:29
Aw man, well maybe there will be more than 13 episodes in Season 3, who knows. All great shows come to an end.

MAN, ***** (for those who don't want to know who dies) was my favorite character in the show.
Perceptor said,  - 2009-02-14 13:24:12
This makes me very sad indeed.
Transformers Animated is *the* show that fans have been waiting for since Beast Wars. Since Before Beast Wars, since G1.

* It is superbly well written
* It can easily be imagined as being part of previous TF continuity, by those who want to.
* It features well designed characters w/ homages to previous Transformers generations...
* Perhaps most important of all and unlike the live TF movie(s), it's done with such quality that older fans love it as much as young children >> The next generation of fans.

I sincerely wonder if several thousand fans politely wrote to Hasbro & CN if there is any chance they'd change their minds and keep Animated going? Sigh...
Autobutt said,  - 2009-02-14 14:06:54
I dont see why it would be canceled. Theres everything that Perceptor said, plus the fact that Animated is pouring in a whole ton of money from their merchandise. Its not fair that the best TF series since BW has to be so short
A red head dead head named Ted said,  - 2009-02-14 14:26:08
This torques me off huge.

Pull your heads out of your arses Hasbro! Transformers Animated is the best thing to happen for Transformers fans *YOUNG* and old in years! I badly want this series to keep going. As pissed as I am now, I can only imagine my dispair after watching season 3 and all of the sweetness that we have seen is coming!!! ARRRRRRRGH.

What makes you so sure Hasbro is going to do a different series Sabrblade? I bet they're just going to ride the movie merchandise wave for the forseeable number of years until the movies peeter out... God, this sucks.
Sabrblade said,  - 2009-02-14 14:45:16
Because with Animated ending and ROTF lasting this year and maybe early next year, they've gotta come up with SOMETHING to sell after the sequel movie toyline ends. They can't just leave the franchise hanging with nothing to promote.

If there is no new series, then what will they do if there's no third movie or anything? They can't just keep making toys that lack televised stories. Where's the creativity and logic in that?

Unless your saying that the whole franchise will die within the near future.
Jumpercliff said,  - 2009-02-14 15:46:06
Oh GOD NO, what are those guys at Cartoon Network thinking?!?!?!?!?! X-Men: Evolution and The Batman lasted longer than this!!!! And killing off a guy? That just puts the icing on this stale cake. Well, THAT'S JUST PRIME.........
KilledbyDeath said,  - 2009-02-14 16:35:57
File this under things that suck.
Jumpercliff said,  - 2009-02-14 18:18:25
Right next to K-Fed, KilledbyDeath?
Wiz said,  - 2009-02-22 08:40:33
I'm hate Animated, so I'm glad! But very possibly, the next TF cartoon franchise shall base on Michael Bay's TF. I hate Bayformers too, even more than Animated, so the future like that is not impose to me.

I'm hope the next franchise will be in classic visual style (like G1 and Unicron Trilogy). This is improbable, but I'm hope despite of. If it shall not come true, I shall stop to be transfan. Because all this stupid ugliness like Animated or Bayformers cause me to depression. If that is future of TF - I don't need such future, in that case I go away in other fandom.
Ratix240sx said,  - 2009-03-22 19:36:09
Thank goodness, I'd rather them go back to the anime Transformors than continue this nonsense. Beats Machines, TF animated and Bayformers can rot in hell.
leviebaby said,  - 2009-05-23 12:28:53
will i hope it be based off the comics this time g1 or be more adult
leviebaby said,  - 2009-05-23 12:29:35
i hope we get the takra shows victory and etc

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