Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Posted by:
Perceptor at 2004-05-22 7:49 am
(site update)
Remember "Mount St. Hilary"? Do you know what the following people have in common?: G.B. Blackrock, Josie Beller, Buster Witwicky and Spider-man! That's right! For those of you old enough to remember, each made their debut (well, it wasn't Spidey's 1st appearance!) in the 1st year of: The Transformers, comic series by Marvel Comics back in 1984! We would like to extend a special thanks to for helping us with plot summaries. In the second (bottom) half of the left column (TF Media) of the 1984 TF section, you'll find newly added plot summaries for the first 7 issues of this original series. Why just the first 7, you ask? Because these correspond to the toys of 1984, of course! Stay tuned, there's more to come!
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