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ROTF Voyagers Megatron, The Fallen, and the unknown cargo plane

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Sabrblade at 2009-04-18 1:09 pm
Regarding three ROTF Voyager figures...

Awhile back, we were given our first glimpse of a new Megatron figure for the ROTF toyline. From what we could tell, it was about the size of  a voyager, had a greenish color scheme, and had would appeared to be 'wings' protruding from its back. Now, new images of its vehicle mode (which is indeed a tank) have surfaced. has images of its tank mode from various angles, as well as more of its robot mode.

Also, TF08 has even more images of the Voyager Megatron figure. This time, they're of the figure in its package and shows the back of the box and bio:

"Trapped in the black, crushing depths of the sea, his mind inert in the grip of stasis lock, MEGATRON knew nothing of the desperate search mounted for his remains by the other DECEPTICONS. When he was finally brought back online, their effort and sacrifice meant little to him. The only thing that had any meaning was revenge. He would have his vengeance against the human boy who cheated him of his prize, and he swore to celebrate of the smoking wreck of Optimus Prime."

As well as a glimpse of Voyager Mixmaster.

In addition, an Ebay auction has several images of the upcoming Voyager The Fallen figure. These images show the figure in both its modes, as well as showing the robot mode in a few poses. Check'em out here.

Lastly, New Transformers Archive has a High-res gallery of images of the as-of-yet unknown cargo plane Voyager toy. This figure is rumored to be Omega Supreme, Silverbolt, Superion, and other such names. Whatever the case, check out this figure here.


Prime13 said,  - 2009-04-18 14:11:33
hmmm its probably not omega but I guess we'll find out soon enough!
the fallen will kill...............
mixmaster kinda looks like he might combine,if dosnt now some guy will create mods and custom so they DO combine
everything is going prime!
lord megatron said,  - 2009-04-18 14:13:32
I'm still wondering just how far Bay's wanting to push this whole "combining" thing. I mean, this version of TF ROTF Megatron drastically differs from his leader class, FAB, and legends class figures almost to the point that one might assume that the Fallen and Megatron might pull off a merger.......or, it could just be an alternate design that is used during the movie, who's to say. I am however, disappointed with the Leader class mold, it seems that every time hasbro releases a new megatron mold he's either beaten with an ugly stick or has the posability of a brick. I'd LOVE a hybrid style Megatron, but that'll never happen. When will Megatron ever get the respect he deserves?!?!?!?
starscreamer said,  - 2009-04-18 14:17:21
i like to beleave that the cargo plane is omegasupreme.
Inferno said,  - 2009-04-18 15:28:19
Whatever the case is with the cargo plane, I'm not to heartbroken about it, I find it has the look of some knock-off toy, it doesn't really fit in with the rest of the ROTF style

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