Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Posted by:
Perceptor at 2002-07-03 2:39 pm
* Transformers: Armada, the comic issue #1 will go on sale July 10th. Check out the new animation for it on the Dreamwave page! (You may have to reload the page a few times before you see it, but it's there!)
* Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the TF Reviews Section! There have been quite a few great entries already! A series of different opinions on the same toy makes for interesting and insightful commentary. Exactly what we were hoping for. So keep them coming!
* If you haven't visited Brian's TFweblog yet, do it! There's a lot of great stuff there including a recent entry w/ a marvelous commentary telling of the true story of RID: Bruticus and TF postcards from Europe!
* Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the TF Reviews Section! There have been quite a few great entries already! A series of different opinions on the same toy makes for interesting and insightful commentary. Exactly what we were hoping for. So keep them coming!
* If you haven't visited Brian's TFweblog yet, do it! There's a lot of great stuff there including a recent entry w/ a marvelous commentary telling of the true story of RID: Bruticus and TF postcards from Europe!
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