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More Animated news

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Sabrblade at 2010-03-26 9:28 pm
In the Land of the Rising Sun, Animated just keeps continuing to grow at an exponential rate, as more and more news is revealed.

TF collector Alfes 2010 has put up on his blog an extensive gallery of the Optimus Prime figure, showing off the details of the shiny figure in both it Vehicle and Robot Modes, as well as providing a look at both the single-packaged and double-packaged (with Megatron) versions of the packaging. The gallery has been split across two pages.

TakaraTomy has updated their website with info regarding two new Sega Arcade Games for Transformers Animated. One of them is "The Chase" and involves the player to use steeering wheel controls to hunt down the Decepticons in  a street chase-style game. The other is "The Shooter" and is a simple first-person shooter-type game.

 Weekly ACSII Plus, a Japanese magazine that specialize in PC/IT products, has uploaded four video reviews of Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Megatron, and Starscream, which have all been uploaded onto YouTube. The vidoes do not have sound, other than the background music, so there  is no language barrier to worry about.

Mangaka (Japanese comic artist) Tsushima Naoto has announced on his Twitter page that he will be working on the new Transformers Animated Japan manga (comic) series called "Transformers Animated The Cool." This new manga series will be published in the monthly Japanese magazine Kero Kero Ace, beginning with the May 2010 issue. Click the link to see a preview of the kind of artwork he will be providing for the manga.

Finally, two recent commercials for Animated's Japanese broadcast have made itheir way onto YouTube. One is a 30-second TV spot and the other is a 15-second TV spot. These commericals give us a preview for what the new theme song of the series will be like, as well as the voices of Optimus Prime, Megatron, and presumably Bumblebee and some female character (Sari?). Thankfully, the uploader was kind enough to also upload an English subtitled version of the15-second commerical (sadly, none for the 30-second one, though).

lioconvoy said,  - 2010-03-27 03:28:53
well i can see this being big over there as big as was hear
draconis of nebulos said,  - 2010-04-01 15:01:00
Does anyone know when the Third Season of TF: Animated is going to hit shelves for us here in the States?

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