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TF Collector club exclusives Update: selling out fast!

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Jason at 2010-03-30 11:34 pm
A letter from Pete over at TF Collector Club:
Here is the Tuesday morning update. As you know, Punch/Counterpunch is sold out. We are looking into getting some more made, but we have no details at this time.

Shattered Glass Cyclonus is closing in on 75% sell through. Once sold out that will be it on him, no more produced! At this time we have just over 300 left.


lioconvoy said,  - 2010-03-31 00:22:53
well that sucks
Sabrblade said,  - 2010-03-31 09:55:40
Um, they said they're trying to get more in stock. So, that gives us another chance at getting Punch/Counterpunch.
lioconvoy said,  - 2010-03-31 12:46:38
punch/counterpunch looks so cool. i want to get my hands on one
DocWho said,  - 2010-03-31 14:48:54
I'm actually happy I bit the bullet and got P/CP.

But am I the only one who thinks this is a marketing strategy?
Black Starscream said,  - 2010-04-07 20:34:13
That's rather deppressing. Shattered Glass Cyclonus was one I was really looking forward to getting should I manage to get the spare cash. They really ought to reconsider and make more

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