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Universal Dominator Unicron in packaging

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Sabrblade at 2010-05-27 10:50 am
Hot on the heels of the previous news bits regarding the 2010 release of TakaraTomy's G1 Unicron comes one more piece of info. The toy's packaging has been revealed at the Unicron page of TakaraTomy's 2010 Transformers campaign website.

This packaging looks golden... literally! A large black box with great image of Unicron done in golden yellow placed across the box's main front. Along the left side is the word "UNICRON" tilted sideways, heading downward vertically. Above that in the upper-left corner is the flaming Transformers 2010 logo, while across from it in the upper-right corner is the standard TakaraTomy logo. In the dead center of the box are the words "TRANSFORMERS" and "UNIVERSAL DOMINATOR UNICRON". Finally, in the bottom-right corner of the package is a blue triangular slit of what appears to be a part of the Cybertron Primus figure, which would suggest that he's also getting a rerelease.

But would Primus be like? Would he be just a straight rerelease with no changes? Or, would he get the redeco (and possibly remold) treatment too? Only time will tell.

To see the packaging image, click to above link. Then, you should see five buttons on the Unicron page. Click the button that is directly beneath the top-most button and the image of the box should appear. If not, here's a shortcut.

Wheelie is My Name said,  - 2010-05-28 07:50:18
It's cool I guess. This is the fourth time this figure has been issued. If takara wanted to do something cool they make a masterpiece Unicron. That would be possibly the greatest transformer ever. I still want a Unicron that transformers into a full planet.
Saberfrost said,  - 2010-05-28 10:26:40
Sabrblade said,  - 2010-05-28 10:49:40
This practically is a "Masterpiece Unicron"! What with its beautiful G1 color scheme and brrand new headsculpt.

But if you're thinking of an even larger, gigantic toy of Unicron as an MP, there's no way on Earth tha they would do that. They tried that (twice) in the 80s with the huge G1 Unicron prototypes, but they never got through to production. And nowadays, something like Fort Max size doesn't pass toy safety laws without being utterly "child safe".

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