Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Allspark Almanac 2 Signing Reminder and Sneak Preview!
Posted by:
DocWho at 2010-06-28 9:00 pm
Jim Sorenson, one of the two geniuses behind the Allspark Almanac has posted a 5 page preview of AA2. Page 1 contains the Table of Contents, which features some cool Seeker art by Marcelo Matere. The second page contains a character profile for Yoketron, written by one of his disciples; Jazz. Page the third contains an episode guide, done using Teh_Headmaster's Yatter (a Twitter reference) account. El Pageo Quatro contains an Interstital Page (which are articles written from a real-world perspective). This particular one details the making of the TFA DS game. And finally, a page that will push all of you on the path to the Dark Side that I'm not going to spoil.
Also, and most important, if you are lucky enough to live in the Burbank, CA area, the triumvirate of TFA (Bill Forster, Jim Sorenson, and Derrick Wyatt) will be doing a book signing at the Emerald Knights Comic Shop, July 3rd at 1:00 PM. If you're a Transformers Animated fan who lives near there, be sure to check it out!
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