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Breaking News: The marketing team for TFCC are all super-geniuses from the future

Posted by:
DocWho at 2010-10-01 2:34 pm
In an amazingly brilliant piece of marketing, the TFCC has released a recruitment video starring Megatron and directed at fangirls. Yes, fangirls! The most powerful force known to man!

I would comment further, but I currently have to hold back my fangirl girlfriend from spending her life's savings on the TFCC.

Deceptitron said,  - 2010-10-01 14:43:59
LOL That is funny. I think it'd work on my wife, if the movies hadn't already made her a fan.
cyberwuss said,  - 2010-10-01 17:13:29
Sabrblade said,  - 2010-10-01 18:49:30
Dr. Smoov does it again! LOL
Sidewinder said,  - 2010-10-01 19:29:39
Oh that was too great.
Jumpercliff said,  - 2010-10-02 12:43:18
Wonder if the "Old Spice" guy saw this...
AmyBlue said,  - 2010-10-05 10:17:29
It'd be better with Ramjet.
He's dreamy.

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