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First images of Solar Storm Grappel

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Sabrblade at 2010-10-02 1:13 pm

Following up from the previous news post about the new Reveal the Shield line comes another of its additions: Solar Storm Grapple Grappel. First revealed at BotCon 2010, this figure is a redeco/remold of the Universe (2008) Inferno mold and based on the G1 Grapple character. TFW2005 has the first official images of this figure available for public viewing.

In additon to a new color scheme, this figure sports and new ladder mold, a new head mold, and remolded forearms, hands and feet.

Note the odd name spelling, as the "Solar Storm" portion would naturally enable the name "Grapple" to be spelled correctly even without the "Autobot-" suffix. Looks like Hasbro's trying something different or whatnot.

DocWho said,  - 2010-10-02 15:44:56
Grapple is bought on sight.
HolyGrail said,  - 2010-10-06 06:15:46
Nice to see he wasn't just a straight re-paint. The name is irrelevant once he sits on the shelf.
ed hardy said,  - 2010-10-25 03:15:54
To remind you to note that, you pay attention to the diamond weight at the same time, we must note that the diamonds color, clarity, cut, that is, comprehensive consideration "4c" Standard.

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