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Generation 1 Thanksgiving Marathon

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Sabrblade at 2010-11-23 1:30 pm
Set your DVRs as a special marathon of The Transformers (Generation 1) cartoon will be airing from 2:00am to 6:00am, Thanksgiving Night (early Friday morning) on the Hub. The episodes featured in this four hour marathon will be "More Than Meets the Eye, Parts 1-3", "The Ultimate Doom, Parts 1-3", and "Dinobot Island, Parts 1-2", three classic multi-parters of the earliest portion of the series. It all starts at 2am, Thanksgiving Night (early morning Friday, 11/26)

Saberfrost said,  - 2010-11-23 16:27:52
Of course i want t wake up at 1 in the morning to watch these cause of time difference, or ill just stay up
cyberwuss said,  - 2010-11-23 17:45:32
Yay I hope they put them online, Ultimate Doom and More than meets the eye are 2 of my favorite sets of episodes and dinobot island isn't too shabby either! Last I watched on the was enter the nightbird and changing gears.
Galvatron X said,  - 2010-11-23 18:35:32
I Possess all the DVD's, but it feels better to watch on the hub with commercials intact, it seems like 4:00p mon-fri in the 80's.
Megatron said,  - 2010-11-24 12:18:41
I already have the dvd's! Galvatron X is right it does feel awsome when watching with commercials.

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