Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
New Michael Bay interview on DOTM - Forget about ROTF
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Sabrblade at 2011-01-15 1:15 pm
Herocomplex has posted a new interview film director Michael Bay, who talks about how he's learned from the mistakes made in ROTF--fully admitting that, despite its commercial success, ROTF was "kind of a mess"--and plans to have DOTM done right in a way that makes you forget the ROTF movie.
He says that they're going back to basics with DOTM, keeping it less "mystical" and more "old-fashioned mystery" with sort of a "Black Hawk Down with giant alien robots" feel to it.
Bay goes further into talking about the technical side of the film with the 3-D equipment and techniques being put to use for making this movie.
Read the full interview article here.
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