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Posted by:
Perceptor at 2005-02-25 9:32 pm   (site update)
Alright! Thanks to the fandom! Well thanks specifically to:
* C. Reed for providing us a picture of Rumble/Frenzy (red) in cassette mode in the shows. His character page has been updated to show this great shot from TF:TM. Who knew!? (not me!)
* to J Carliss for providing me info/image on Machine Wars Optimus Prime, well his predacessor Thunderclash. You'll find it on his newly updated character page.
* thanks also to J Hunterstein who sent us some very cool images of the vehicle for which the G1 original Cosmos was based on! Seriously! The images are linked to on Cosmos character page, or by clicking, link1, link2, link3,. Here's another interesting little something about him that I never new! cool huh!

Oh, and if you haven't seen it already, there is a press release linked to on the official Transformers page with some nifty pix and information on the upcoming TF: Cybertron line.

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