Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site

News Item

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Posted by:
Perceptor at 2005-03-31 9:25 pm
First off, we're sorry for the rather unexpected delay in site/news updates. Each of us have had a number of personal issues requiring attention that's kept us away. We hope to resume our typical, more frequent schedule shortly...

TONS of things we need to get caught up on. First, members of the official TF Club received the 2nd installment of Master Collector today. Several interesting tidbits:
* "BotCon" is back! It's official, the TF convention will once again carry the name that began the phenomenon. BotCon it is, and I'm glad to hear it!
* Botcon will be Sept 22-25 in Frisco, Texas
Other interesting tidbits from the convention organizer:
* For those enrolled in the 1st class subscripton w/ TF Club should receive the newsletter on the first or just before every other month (April, June, Aug, etc...)
* The "free" figure is scheduled to ship sometime late spring/early summer.

In addition to a continuation of the comic, Pete Sinclair's interview w/ Simon Furman and J.E. Alvarez's pix/review of ToyFair 2005..., this issue also inclues another interesting interview with Hasbro TF designers. For me, the most interesting part gives us a glimpse into what we might expect from TF Cybertron and a renewed sense of optimism in what's to come!
"Q: ...w/o divulging anything too specific, where do you see the TF line going in the future?
A: (Aaron Archer) In animation: tighter story arcs, better character personalities, unique abilities, more humor, and less space opera. In the product line: I do not want to give that much away but one goal is less redecoes.
BRAVO! Great answers! That's pretty much exactly what I've been hoping for!

Also of interest, the issue provides a listing of TF: Cybertron toys. Apparently this is an intentionally incomplete list w/ some names excluded for "surprise value". Each listing includes toy pricepoint, (corresponding Japanese) Galaxy Force name and the North American release name in CAPS. They are as follows:
Basic Jackshot OVERHAUL
Basic Gasket RANSACK
Basic Skids CLOKER
Basic Autolander BRAKEDOWN
Basic Dino Shout WRECKLOOSE
Basic Saidos BACKSTOP
Basic Road Storm LUGNUTZ
Basic mini-con Team Hop/BlitfBumper JOLT/SIX SPEED/REVERB

Deluxe Excellion HOT SHOT
Deluxe Nitro ConvoY OVERRIDE
Deluxe Thundcreraeker THUNDERCRAACKER
Deluxe First Aid RED ALERT
Deluxe Guardshcll LANDMINE
Deluxe Inch Up DlRT BOSS
Deluxe Fang Wolf SNARL
Deluxe Autavolt CROSSWISE
Deluxe Terashaver BRIMSTONE
Deluxe Noisemaze SIDEWAYS

Voyager Land Bullet CRUMPLEZONE
Voyager Vector Prime VECTOR PRIME
Voyager Demolishor MUDFLAP
Voyager Live Convoy LEOBREAKER
Voyager Liger Jaek OVERCAST
Voyager Sound wave SOUNDWAVE
Voyager Starscrcam STARSCREAM
UItra DredRock JETFIRE
Ultra Flame Convoy SCOURGE
Ultra Sonic Bomber KNOCKDOWN

Super Galaxy Com boy OPTIMUS PRIME
Super Master Mcgatron MEGATRON

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