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Posted by:
Mighty Maximal at 2006-05-18 3:01 pm
Hello Boys & Girls.
I thought I really ought to stop by and make mention of the general crazyness that has decended on the world of the Dreamworks / Angry Films Transformers Movie production.
Much has happened both good and bad. Top Hasbro Producer Brian Goldner (and he's a Guy with a very nice house) - so Don says. Has stopped by at the Board and asked to hear our views.

Then things started to get a bit nasty after Don posted a link to a script review of the Movie from a few drafts back...

If you don't want to be spoiled don't read it, but the short of it is that something has happen in that draft that have a lot of people even more upset with the direction the movie is taking.. and some even more worried they have missed the point of the Transformers property completely.

I would say what I want here, but since it's not polite to post spoilers - I'll just say I have concerns about Cybertron.

Anyway if you want to join in the fun use one of the above links as a diving board and go swimming in the storm. 

All the Best Mighty.Maximal

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