Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Dairycon '08 Exclusive, TFA Starscream, Clear G1 Optimus, Revoltech Starscream & Hot Rod

It's been reported that this year's Dairycon PreReg exclusive will be
called 'Domino'.
"As in previous years, there will be multiple exclusives", A Dairyon
spokesman was quoted as saying. "Normally, we keep these quiet until
the day of the show. This year, we thought we'd let you know early."
Why? Because as it turns out, this year's PreReg exclusive will be the
very last one produced. Those familiar with past Dairycon Exclusives
(such as FlatFoot, or Checkers) will want to complete their set.
As always, the Dairycon Pre-Reg Exclusive will be highly collectible,
produced in extremely limited quantities, and packaged in their unique
Dairycon-style packaging.
A high quality, limited edition collectible that's always completely
given out the day of the show, this item will never be produced again.
So don't miss out!
If you haven't yet Registered for Dairycon 2008, you can go to the Dairycon '08 site for info. Or you can go directly to the pre-registration page. member The Spacebridge has put up hi-res pics of a TFA Starscream protype. It has a pair of "mystery panels" which as yet no one is completly sure what they're for.
For those of you into KOs, there's an interesting auction on ebay for a clear G1 Optimus Prime. It says this will be limited to 500 peices worldwide. So if you want one, get it soon. has an image gallery of the soon to be released Revoltech Hot Rod & Starscream. This comes to TFormers courtsy of Organic Hobby.
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