Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
CNN news story reveals Earth Mode Megtron (and Cybertron mode Bulkhead?!?)

Posted by:
Jason at 2008-01-20 1:50 pm
CNN recently did a story on 2008 toy trends interviewing a Hasbro
employee about upcoming Hasbro toys. Among these toys were a set of
Transformers items including role play electronic blasters, a
transforming hand held game, and 3 figures from the TF: Animated toy
line: Earth mode Optimus Prime (perhaps larger than Voyager sized...looks huge), Earth mode Megatron (First time seen. Looks Voyager sized), AND what looks an awful lot like a Cybertron mode (or perhaps even season 2 mode) Bulkhead (never previously seen or even announced).
I have seen/transformed the Voyager Bulkhead figure and the one on the
table is not it, yet it has the same windows/styling on his torso as
the Bulkhead we know... Could it be that Hasbro has another Bulkhead
figure in store for us? The purple thing on his head at the beginning
of the interview is quite possibly a toy version of "Headmaster", who
according to the episode synopsis "takes control of an Autobot." (see the 2008 section side pannel for a more detailed spoiler.) We'll
keep you
posted. In the mean time, enjoy
this very brief sneek peak brought to us by
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