Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Classics & Masterpeice Ultra Magnus Trailers

Posted by:
Knightwing at 2008-02-22 8:16 pm
There is a long standing debate amoung the fan base over if a white Optimus Prime is infact Ultra Magnus. Many have no problem with Prime white = Ultra Magnus. Many others say if he doesn't have a battle suit of some kind it's not Ultra Magnus. It's a Prime repaint of some kind, but not Ultra Magnus. I've even heard of some saying that Prime white is Magnus, but to be Ultra Magnus he needs his body armor.
No matter how you define it, there is one simple and long standing truth to the fanbases interest in Ultra Magnus and for that matter Optimus Prime. It's this, fans would much rather have a semi with a trailer than one without.
Due to that simple truth, the folks at have an image up of a Classics Ultra Magnus trailer upgrade. You can see the pic here via Little is known at this time about the trailer like when it will be avialible and how much it will cost. We will update you as soon as we can.
I know this is old info, but it seemed to fit in this topic very well. For those of you who would really like to have a G1 Masterpeice Ultra Magnus, here's your chance. You'll have to buy your MP-02 off ebay or some other site to start, but there is a trailer avialible. is making another batch of transforming G1 style trailers for Ultra Magnus. The trailer does infact transform into Ultra Magnus' body armor. You can order this fantastic trailer here and look at the pics here. Be warned, this appears to be a single individual who makes these himself in low volumes. As such this is not a cheep trailer. I for one would buy it in a second if I had the cash. But, it's beyond what my wallet can handle right now.
No matter how you define it, there is one simple and long standing truth to the fanbases interest in Ultra Magnus and for that matter Optimus Prime. It's this, fans would much rather have a semi with a trailer than one without.
Due to that simple truth, the folks at have an image up of a Classics Ultra Magnus trailer upgrade. You can see the pic here via Little is known at this time about the trailer like when it will be avialible and how much it will cost. We will update you as soon as we can.
I know this is old info, but it seemed to fit in this topic very well. For those of you who would really like to have a G1 Masterpeice Ultra Magnus, here's your chance. You'll have to buy your MP-02 off ebay or some other site to start, but there is a trailer avialible. is making another batch of transforming G1 style trailers for Ultra Magnus. The trailer does infact transform into Ultra Magnus' body armor. You can order this fantastic trailer here and look at the pics here. Be warned, this appears to be a single individual who makes these himself in low volumes. As such this is not a cheep trailer. I for one would buy it in a second if I had the cash. But, it's beyond what my wallet can handle right now.
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