Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Another Dairycon Exclusive

Posted by:
Knightwing at 2008-02-26 4:54 am
An image of the final 2008 exclusive was revealed today. Dairycon staffers confirmed that this was indeed the final Dairycon exclusive for the 2008 show. "There's Domino, who you haven't seen a picture of yet. Then there's the un-named red and blue Brawn, which is the regular raffle exclusive. And now there's this picture, of a *very* familiar blue firetruck."
Dairycon staffers said that the firetruck was going to be the Lucky
Draw Limited exclusive at the show. No name was given, but looking at
him, there can be only one guess!!
If you haven't signed up for the Dairycon 2008 Convention, you'd best
do so now, as there's only a few days left! Check out, or their mirror site for all the details!
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