Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
1984 Section Updates

There 'aint no school, like old school baby! Check it out, the 1984 Transformers Section has received some polishing and TLC!
* Instructions Archive has been updated. Now, every '84 paper instruction sheet is linked to both from the character page jump box and archive.
* Package Art Archive has been updated, although there are not a ton of new images, what's here is the stuff of legend!
* Reviews section has been updated such that now even these classic originals can be reviewed!
The main index page has been cleaned up with character names now
appearing above boxes and other cleaned up source code. Within each
toy's character page, you'll note each has been given our
patented "jump box" treatment like Optimus Prime, Sideswipe, Soundwave etc... allowing you quick and easy access to to all the items listed above, for your web surfing pleasure and convenience!
So c'mon all of you "G1 purists" out there! Let your voices be heard in the reviews section. Lets see if anyone dares blaspheme the good name of these toys that are years older than the average site visitor!
Hope everyone enjoys the updates! As you know, there's plenty more where that came from! Stay tuned!
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