Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item

I'm not terribly crazy about an Autobot being named after a weapon which according to (real life) international treaty has been banned for cruelty and unintended harm inflicted to countless innocent civilians throughout the world...
Needless to say, the toys and characters are pretty darn cool. For example, you already know about Energon Landmine and Cybertron Landmine and even the Landmine character that ~"appeared" in the Transformers Movie. Now, for your viewing pleasure, check out an all new character page for the first Transformer with the name. To do that, we must turn the clock back exactly 20 years and the age of the Pretenders! What's a pretender, all you youngsters want to know? Well, as the story goes there are places in the universe that don't like robots. Kind of like the whole mutants vs. society theme of X-men. So pretenders are Transformers that came with an organic, (human in the case of Autobots) shell which covered a transformable robot body. In those days, the stories were not carefully planned out and as far as I know, there never really was a grand explanation given for the purpose for the organic monster shell (more on this later...)
Anyway, each toy came with an organic shell/covering, and a smaller robot which typically looked like a very, well (giving it a positive spin) Cybertronian looking alternate mode. PRETENDER LANDMINE was among the most heavily featured Autobot Pretenders in the Marvel Comics series. Click the link to this all new character page to learn all about him.
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