Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
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*UPDATED* - New TF:A Toy Images of Voyagers Prime, Grimlock, and Lugnut

New images are surfacing of the Transformers Animated toys. has new images of Voyager Earth Mode Optimus Prime. These images focus heavily on his gun.
TFW2005 has new images of Voyager Grimlock comparing him in size to Deluxe Cybertron Mode Optimus Prime. They also have new images of the packaging and bio of Voyager Lugnut.
Peaugh, the TFW2005 member who previously revealed the above images of Grimlock, has now put up several clips on Youtube reviewing several upcoming Tranformers Animated figures which include following:
Deluxe Blackarachnia, Deluxe Ratchet, Voyager Starscream, Deluxe Prowl, Voyager Bulkhead, Deluxe Bumblebee, Voyager Cybertron Mode Megatron, Deluxe Cybertron Mode Optimus Prime, Deluxe Lockdown, Voyager Earth Mode Optimus Prime, and Voyager Lugnut (Clip 1, Clip 2).
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