Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Animated Happy Meal Toys, Animated Toys' Availability, and Revoltech Hot Rodimus & Starscream

A user on has posted images of two new Transformers Animated Happy Meal figures: Optimus Prime and Megatron (scroll a ways down to see the image of him). As of now, it is not known who else will be in this set, what restaurant chain will carry them, or when they will be released.
Click here to see the images.
Also, TFW2005 has reported that will carry wave 1 of the Animated figures next week, March 25! It is then that they will be availiable for order! This includes Deluxes Cybertron Mode Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Lockdown and Prowl for $9.99, and Voyagers Starscream and Cybertron Mode Megatron for $19.99!
TFW2005 also has info from stating that they now have Revoltech Hot Rodimus and Revoltech Starscream in stock with packaging images!
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