Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Arrest Warrant on Shia LaBeouf, and Botcon figures

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Sabrblade at 2008-03-19 3:13 pm
According to an article on, Shia LaBeouf was set to stand trial for a unlawful smoking misdemeanor in Burbank, LA. But neither he or his attorney appeared in court. A $1,000 bench warrant was issued for Shia's arrest.
In other, more uplifting news, Botcon "Shattered Glass" figures have shown up on Ebay in package! Heroic Starscream and evil Optimus Prime are both available sealed in their official packaging!
Also, rumor has it that the next Botcon figure revealed will be...
(*spoiler alert*)
Using the Cybertron Blurr mold, Evil Blurr will feature an evil black deco and a remolded head with an eye-patch and a snarl as seen here at
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