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So, it's been a little while since I've let you all know what books are out and coming out, so here it is everybody. Brought to you by, here is our most recent and future releases. First of all, Marvel's cash in on the summer blockbuster has finally hit shelves in all its collected glory as "New Avengers/Transformers", a crossover which, interestingly enough, takes place in both the Marvel and IDW continuities. Up next is the much anticipated "Transformers: Devestation", set to hit shelves in May, which is part four of the IDW "-ion" series following after "Infiltration", "Stormbringer", and "Escalation", not to mention "Megatron: Origin" and the "Spotlights" 1 & 2. And speaking of "Spotlights", volume 3 is set to be released in September. IDW then continues to rerelease old Dreamwave comics by releasing the "More than Meets the Eye" Source books volumes 1 (September) & 2 (December). Out in July will be part 2 of "Transformers the Ark". Finally, in the "Best of UK" series, May sees the release of "Dinobots" and October sees the release of "Space Pirates". So, that's pretty much everything, guys. Happy Viewing!!
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