Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Ebay Stays Busy with TFA

Lots of new TFA items being auctioned on ebay. In addition to the usual 15-20 loose voyager Starscreams, Optimus Primes, Grimlocks, deluxe Bumblebees... You'll also find mint in package (MIP) Activator Bumblebee, Starscream and Bulkhead. Dig further and you'll also see:
* In Box Grimlock, your's for the incredibly worhtwhile (not!) "Buy It Now" price of $169.99, which doesn't include the $128 required shipping!
* MIB Voyager Optimus Prime: only $140 plus $28 shipping.
* MIB Voyager Lugnut: also a supreme bargin at only $170 + $28 shipping.
This is why TF:Animated is driving me crazy. You can get your Grimlock and Lugnut now for $200 (well, 189.99 to be exact) OR wait 2 and a half to 3 months and buy 10 of the same exact toy at your local store AND not have to wait 2 weeks for it to ship all the way from Hong Kong! It appears that by then, ALL episodes of TF: Animated may have aired...!
The last time things were this bad, was Beast Machines Rattrap. By the time they FINALLY released this toy, the TV series has already been aired the final conclusion episode ~5 months earlier... ugh.
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